<br />Present: H. L. Henry, :~ayor
<br />George J. Shavor, Trustee
<br />Clarence Rekstad, "
<br />Clyde Stewart, Cle rk
<br />Ralph Van Hoven, Treasurer
<br />Frank N. Graham, Attorney
<br />Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Minutes of regular meeting,
<br />May 13 and of special meeting, Hay 14, 1952, were heard and approved as read.
<br />Bills: On motion by Rekstad, seconded by Henry, the following bills were
<br />ordered paid:
<br />Badens Pure Oil, gasoline, Apr., $5.15
<br />Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Ne 5200, 5-10, $11.20
<br />C.A. Selander Co., 1000 Fire department forms, $10.80
<br />St Paul Book & Stationery Co., reco rd book & postage, X1.6?
<br />Geo.E. Swanson, expenses, Chief & 1 volunteer fireman,
<br />State Firemen's Convention, X76.90
<br />Terrace Auto Supply Co., Inc., brake fluid, service trip
<br />and labor, Eng. #1, 5-6-52, X21.06
<br />F,ScClain & Hedman Shaw-r~alker file case & 100 file
<br />folders, less x$30 desk credit, X70.25
<br />L~utual Service Casualty Amount due, policy WC-03-10-852108, audit
<br />Ins. Co. period 3-10-51 to 3-10-52, X21.80
<br />Earl Smith services8~ mileage, policing, May 8 to
<br />Ma 27, X90.75
<br />Banger Landscape Co. 550 yds sod for park & playground, X99.00
<br />Public Public Safety Committee Chairman Don Arndt reviewed enforcement
<br />Safety activitie~~with Village special police, beginning April 9, 1952,
<br />reporting arrests for law violations as follows: 7 illegal parking;
<br />3 over-axle weight; 4 stop si gn; 4 no driver's license; 1 crossing
<br />fire hose; 1 illegal passing; 61 illegal speed. Arndt said this
<br />included a total of 176 patrol house and 1,664 miles of patrolling,
<br />costing X379.73 to date. Fines received to date amount to X542.00,
<br />he said, leaving a balance of X162.27 over and above police operation
<br />costs.
<br />Miles Lumber Bruce Blindman, representing the Miles Lumber Company, appeared
<br />Company before the council, requesting that Miles Lumber Company application
<br />to erect a 16x20 structure on the Hermes property, be reconsidered.
<br />Said the proposed building would not be an office, would be used
<br />for display and advertising to inform people requesting information
<br />on building garages. Blindman suggested that permit might be issued
<br />on a yearly basis, including restrictions as to operations. The
<br />matter was referred to Attorney Graham for o hacking legality as to
<br />issuing permit with said restrictions. Blindman agreed to furnish
<br />our building inspector with detailed plan.
<br />Oliver C. 1570 N. Snelling, reported that the curbing recently installed
<br />Statham on the Hoyt side of his property appeared low. Mr. Statham was
<br />informed that the matter would be referred to Commissioner Seaborn.
<br />