<br />Curbing Plan No. 3518, dated March 1952, consisting of four sheets, prepared
<br />Larpenteur by Harry S. Bronson, Ramsey County Surveyor, for the installation of
<br />curbing on Larpenteur Avenue from Snelling to Arona, together with a
<br />set of standard specifications for the project, including a form of
<br />advertisement for bids, a form of proposal and a set of"special
<br />provisions," also prepared by the County Surveyor's office, was
<br />presented to the council and discussed. Following a full discussion,
<br />it was voted unanimously, on motion by Rekstad, seconded by Shavor,
<br />to adopt the following resolution:
<br />Resolution WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on May 14,
<br />approving 1952, the Ramsey County Surveyor (engineer retained for this purpose)
<br />plans has prepared plans and specifications For the improvement of
<br />Larpenteur Avenue, between Snelling and Arona avenues, for the in-
<br />stallation of curbing on Larpenteur and has presented such plans and
<br />specifications to the council for approval -
<br />1. Such plans end specifications, being plan No. 3518, dated
<br />plans Mare , 1952, prepared by Harry S. Bronson, Ramsey County Surveyor,
<br />a copy of ~rhich is on file in the office of the Village Clerk, are
<br />hereby approved.
<br />2. The Village clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted
<br />in the official paper, The Rose Tribune , and in the St Paul Legal
<br />advertisement Ledger, an advertisement for bi ds upon the making of such improvement
<br />for bids under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement
<br />shall be published once in The Rose Tribune and once in the St Paul
<br />Legal Ledger, shall specif~r the work to be done, shall call for bids
<br />upon the basis flf a cash payment for such work, shall state that bids
<br />shall be opened and considered by the council at T:30 P.M., on
<br />June 10, 1952, at the Village Hall, and that no bids will be considered
<br />unless sealed and filed with the clerk accompanied by a cash deposit
<br />or certified check payable to the clerk for 10 per cent of the amount
<br />of such bid.
<br />Treasurer Treasurer Van Hoven reviewed the Village financial setup so far this
<br />reports year and reported on current receipts, including the Ramsey County
<br />tax settlement received in May, for period Nov. 1, 1951 to February
<br />29, 1952, amounting to X4,403.44.
<br />Vacations, Consideration was then given to recommendation of the Fire Department
<br />firemen committee that the paid firemen be allowed vacations with pay.
<br />Un motion by Henry, seconded by Stewart, it was voted unanimously
<br />to allow Fire Chief Swanson ~wwacafrimn in 1952 of two consecutive
<br />calendar weeks with pay, and the two paid firemen, Kenneth J. Barthel
<br />and Robert D. Locke, one calendar week each with pay.
<br />Sod for Rekstad proposed immediate sodding of the park spillway to protect
<br />Park the two dry wells from filling with silt, stating that the required
<br />sod could be purchased for X99.00. Stewart moved that Rekstad be
<br />authorized to purchase the necessary sod and to employ help to clean
<br />out the dry wells and to secure needed rock. Carried unanimously.
<br />Adjournment: On, motion, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 d.LG., May 28, 1952.
<br />Approved: ~~.:..~ ~ ~--~_ ~ -
<br />erk
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