<br />Present: H. L. Henry, A~fayor
<br />George J. Shavor, Trustee
<br />George I. Lodahl, Trustee
<br />Clyde J. Stewart, Clerk
<br />Frank N. Graham, Attorney
<br />Absent: Arthur A. Lindig, Trustee
<br />Ralph Van Hoven, Treasurer
<br />Meeting called to order at 7:lt0 P.M, and. minutes of regular meeting,
<br />Sept. S, 1953, of special meeting with Fire Department committee and Volunteer
<br />firemen, September ltt, 1953, and of special meeting, September 16, 1953, were heard.
<br />and approved as read.
<br />Mrs. Weiss Mrs. Kathleen Weiss, 182lt Simpson, was introduced to the
<br />appt. to council, Henry then moved that Mrs. Weiss be appointed to
<br />Board of Falcon Heights Board of Health for term of office ending
<br />Health with the first council meeting in 1955• Seconded by Stewart,
<br />motion carried, and Mrs. ~Geiss declared duly appointed to
<br />office.
<br />Gibbs Richard De Witt, 1992 N. Cleveland, appeared before the council,
<br />Homestead stating he had been appointed caretaker of the Gibbs Homestead,
<br />Caretaker's property of the Ramsey County Historical Society, at Cleveland
<br />Trailer and Larpenteur. Mr. De Witt asked for permission to move a
<br /> trailer onto said property as living quarters for himself and
<br /> family while the Gibbs Homestead building is being remodeled,
<br /> starting next week. After discussion, Shavor moved that Mr.
<br /> DeWitt be permitted to move hs6 trailer onto said property with
<br /> the understanding that the permit shall run until December 21,
<br /> 1953, at which time Mr. Del~itt will be required to appear
<br /> before the council if an extension of the permit is desired.
<br /> Seconded by Stewart, carried unanimously, and the clerk directed
<br /> to write Mr. De Witt accordingly.
<br />Permit - Report of the Planning Commission was received on application %'~
<br />Standard Oil of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana for a permit to build a
<br />Service Station gasoline service station at 1691 Snelling Avenue at the northwest
<br /> corner of Larpenteur and Snelling, on property described as
<br /> S 155 ft., Lot 10, E 25 ft., Lot 11, The Cross Roads Addition, station
<br /> estimated to cost X15,000.00. After discussion with Mr. Vossler,
<br /> Asst. Superintendent of Construction for the Standard Oil Company,
<br /> it was moved by Henry, seconded by Stewart, to authorize issuance
<br /> of said permit sub3ect to changes conforming to the building code
<br /> with respect to footings and requiring setback of 20 feet from
<br /> property line for gas pumps on Snelling. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Hartfiel W.A. Hartfiel, 2157 Roblyn, St Paul; R.F, Glendenning, 1357
<br />rezoning Larpenteur Ave. West, and O.H. Minder, 1697 N. Hamline, appeared
<br />petition before the council regarding petition filed with the council by
<br />withdrawn Mr. Hartfiel on September 8th for rezoning the northwest corner of
<br /> Larpenteur a3 and Hamline avenues to Business
<br /> District. Mr. Glendenning reported meeting previously with the
<br /> Hartfiels and about an understanding to consult attorneys and
<br /> interested neighbors so as to work out an arrangement satisfactory
<br /> to all concerned. Mr. Hartfiel concurred in the matter as
<br /> presented by Mr. Glendenning and asked the council if he could
<br /> withdraw his rezoning petition. Henry then moved that Mr. Hartfiel
<br /> be permitted to withdraw said petition.; Lodahl seconded and motion
<br /> carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk returned said petition to
<br /> 2~r. Hartfiel.
<br />