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27 <br />Section III: Duties Relating to Public Access <br />• May an entity assess a fee for inspection of public data? <br />No. A fee may not be charged for inspection of government data. This includes situations <br />where: <br />• It is necessary for the entity to display computerized data on a terminal or print a copy of the <br />requested data in order for the requestor to inspect the data, <br />• A person wishes to visually inspect a paper document or data kept in any other medium that <br />may be inspected visually, or <br />• A person requests access to electronic data via her/his own computer equipment, and <br />possibly prints copies or downloads data on her/his own equipment. <br />Just remember: Looking is free. (See, however, Minnesota Statutes section 169.09, subdivision <br />13(f), which permits law enforcement entities to charge a fee for access to traffic accident <br />reports.) <br />May an entity assess a fee for providing copies of public data? <br />An entity may require a requestor to pay a fee for copies of public data or for electronically <br />transmitting the data. The fee may include the actual costs of searching for and retrieving the <br />data, including the cost of employee time, and for making, certifying and compiling, and <br />electronically transmitting the data or copies of the data. The requirement that data be kept in a <br />manner that makes them easily accessible for convenient use may limit the entity in charging for <br />search and retrieval time. <br />Specific factors that may be considered in establishing a fee may be found at Minnesota Rules <br />. part 1205.0300, and in the document, FEES FOR PROVIDING COPIES OF PUBLIC DATA, included at <br />the end of this section. <br />May an entity assess an additional fee for providing copies of data that have commercial <br />value? <br />In certain circumstances, an entity may assess a fee in addition to the fee for providing copies of <br />public data. The additional fee may be assessed when the entity receives a request for copies of <br />data which have commercial value, and which are a substantial or discrete portion of or an entire <br />formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, process, data base, or system <br />that was developed by the entity with a significant expenditure of public funds. The entity <br />determines whether the data have commercial value. <br />The ability to assess an additional fee allows the entity to recover the cost of developing a <br />system to maintain and manage electronic data. For example, the cost to Hennepin County to <br />convert its property tax and land records from paper to electronic form constitutes the cost of <br />development of its property information data base. <br />The additional fee must be calculated in a reasonable manner. To do so, the entity may consider <br />the actual development costs incurred in producing the valuable data, and a reasonable estimate <br />of how many requestors may be willing to pay the additional fee. <br />For discussion of specific factors that may be considered in establishing a fee, see Minnesota <br />• Rules, part 1205.0300 and the document, FEES FOR PROVIDING coPlES of PUBLIC DATA, included <br />at the end of this section. <br />July, 2000 Model Policy: Access to Government Data & Rights of Subjects Data <br />
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