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33 <br />Section IV: Duties Relating to Right of Subjects <br />• MODEL INFORMED CONSENT FOR THE RELEASE OF GOVERNMENT DATA <br />Also see the document, YOUR RIGHTS AS THE SUBJECT OF GOVERNMENT DATA, at end of Section <br />VI. <br />To actualize these rights, the MGDPA requires that the entity and the data subject each take <br />certain actions. This section describes these actions by discussing four points at which they <br />intersect: <br />• When the data are collected; <br />• When the data are used or released by the entity; <br />• When the individual exercises the right to access data about herself or himself; and <br />• When the data subject challenges accuracy and/or completeness of the data. <br />An important note about who may exercise the rights of the individual <br />Minnesota Rules, part 1205.0200, subpart 8, defines an individual as a living human being. <br />Pursuant to section 13.02, subdivision 8, of the MGDPA, every individual is presumed <br />competent to exercise all of the rights established by the MGDPA. <br />In the case of individuals who are under the age of eighteen, the MGDPA defines "individual" to <br />• include a parent or guardian, or someone who is acting as a parent or guardian in the absence of a <br />parent or guardian. This means that a minor is presumed to be competent to exercise her/his <br />rights under the MGDPA and so are her/his parent(s) or guardian(s). <br />An entity must presume that a parent may exercise the rights of the minor unless the responsible <br />authority is provided with evidence that a court order specifically directs otherwise. Such court <br />orders include those relating to divorce, separation or custody, and the termination of parental <br />rights. Any other legally binding instrument may bar a parent from exercising the minor's rights. <br />In some cases, a minor may have a legally appointed guardian who will be able to provide proof <br />of appointment. In other instances, someone may be acting as a parent or guardian of the minor <br />because the parent or guardian is absent. In that case, the entity must establish, based on <br />knowledge of the particular situation, whether the person may exercise the rights of the minor. <br />Given various social and legal factors -- such as the existing variety of custody arrangements, <br />blended families, etc. -- there may be more than one or two adults who are considered parents or <br />guardians under the MGDPA. <br />In the case of individuals who have been judged to be legally incompetent, the MGDPA permits <br />the individual's legally appointed guardian to exercise that individual's rights. A guardian <br />wishing to exercise these rights must provide proof of legal guardianship in order to do so. <br />Actions at the point of data col%ction <br />July, 2000 Model Policy: Access to Government Data & Rights of Subjects Data <br />
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