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32 <br />Section IV: Duties Relating to Right of Subjects <br />SECTION IV <br />DUTIES OF THE RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: <br />THE RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS OF GOVERNMENT DATA <br />The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act establishes specific rights for individuals who are <br />the subjects of government data, and establishes controls on how entities collect, store, use, and <br />release data about individuals. The Legislature established these rights and controls because the <br />decisions that government entities make, when using information about those individuals, can <br />have a great effect on their lives. <br />These rights allow the data subject to decide whether to provide the data being requested; to see <br />what information the entity maintains about that subject; to determine whether that information <br />is accurate, complete and current and what impact the data may have (or have had) on decisions <br />the entity has made; and to prevent inaccurate and/or incomplete data from creating problems for <br />the individual. <br />This section is addressed to the responsible authority for the entity and explains the following <br />rights of individual data subjects: <br />• The right to be given a notice (Tennessen warning) when either private or confidential data <br />about the subject are collected from the subject; <br />• The right to know whether a government entity maintains any data about the subject and how <br />those data are classified; <br />• • The right to inspect, at no charge, all public and private data about the subject; <br />• The right to have the content and meaning of public and private data explained to the subject; <br />• The right to have copies of public and private data about the subject at actual and reasonable <br />cost; <br />• The right to have private or confidential data about the subject collected, stored, used or <br />disclosed only in ways that are authorized by law and that are stated in the Tennessen <br />warning notice; or in ways to which the subject has consented via an informed consent; <br />• The right not to have private or confidential data about the subject disclosed to the public <br />unless authorized by law; <br />• The right to consent to the release of private data to anyone; and <br />• The right to be informed of these rights and how to exercise them within the entity that <br />maintains the data. <br />The entity may use the information in Section VI to give to the data subject to inform data <br />subjects of their rights and how to exercise them within that entity. <br />For a summary of the role of the government entity in protecting the rights of data subjects, see <br />these documents at the end of this section: <br />• MOW A GOVERNMENT ENTITY MAY LAWFULLY COLLECT, STORE, USE AND RELEASE DATA ON <br />INDIVIDUALS <br />• HOW THE MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT CONTROLS ACCESS TO PRIVATE <br />DATA ON INDIVIDUALS <br />• HOW THE MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT CONTROLS ACCESS TO <br />CONFIDENTIAL DATA ON INDIVIDUALS. <br />• THE TENNESSEN WARNING NOTICE <br />July, 2000 Model Policy: Access to Government Data & Rights of Subjects Data <br />