<br />Ms~tlet Data: 4/23/90-
<br />-~..
<br />~~~ 1t4: E-6
<br />• TI.AKI~IIiG CAlQflSSIQi .
<br />irl~ Dicsntlmac:
<br />~~p Q; Susan Hoyt Taff, City Planner
<br />- ~ ..~j _k f?~ ~ eta.'
<br />~~~,~{ ~~~~ x ~ ~~, -~ ,. R~Y ,~ ~ ~ ;;~, ~#~~, r; ,~t,,l, ~ Cities should foster existing
<br />~-yp w~. ,~.,,1~: ~~ ,Cities, hke:,ftoseville[yv~ll..;y businesses and factories,
<br />- ~: have to :offer attrachve~homes Keefe told the council - ~~-'
<br />~S e( -in ~ -safe ,neighborhoods and "The most economic p'ossi-
<br />;, : - F ;good, school districts~,to coin- bility comes from the success
<br />~, ~~ ~, ;~ ' - _ ~ pete for. the smallernumber~of of existing businesses,"„Keefe
<br />(1 c~~~ ~ first tune dome buyers, he said in an interview: _"So cities
<br />-l_) „-7 -~-I `said ~: ~ .~.r-_ should be careful not to sub-
<br />'^~ xa~ Y ` ` = ;They `can also -pursue- low-. -~ sidize new businesses at the
<br />gge - .T ~ interest, loans to rehabilitate expense o f e x i s t i n g
<br />~wt~'~"~ ~ deteriorating houses and businesses."
<br />e ~a.nd -other first-ring ;make , ~thein available for One form of businesses sub-.
<br />~d~adapt some of their ex ,~~ lower=income-people, -.. hous- _ sidizing new businesses is .tax
<br />mg 7stock :and reinvestt~in ; ing `.for' ..which ahere'~s a ~ increment financing, where _.
<br />smesses ~ ,to remain ~com ~~~' onicshorta a ". he said... developers don't have to in =__
<br />,T~n;Cities market: h malle ~ numbers :of ~ ~ - ---~~``-`~
<br />e',advice of Steve K , p`"7e -fin their Iower 20s has west their .own, money ;in
<br />f the Metro~phtan C "'used record -.vacancy ~ streets, sewers or,soil ezcava-' -
<br />yies demographic`~"c a ~ 4.``k`"~ ar~ments Keefe tion, ;but:,use new ,taxes to
<br />- ~ .~_ ,~~.. P ,_k _ - -
<br />,~~ies -long-range plannin :- o u gest d '~ hies _~slow con- -~ repay those bills _.
<br />Cities area ~,> ~' ~s coon of apartment wild Investing . in existing busi- -
<br />oseville Cit Coimcih
<br />--" ~'~` ~ Y gs'°`~s c "~tiie younger` popes ` - messes means providing strong
<br />asked "Keefe to y~`d'i's`cuss-~ e ~ y ~'°'` ~ "~
<br />- h sical and social" _ infra- ,;
<br />. _ , ,, r, ,,~ ri anon, -:which ~ generally'"~inhab- ` ..P Y...
<br />trends in an.mformaltsess o -'tstheiii~sdecreasin . ~ _ - -structure -streets and trans-.
<br />night, as'the repayre ,,~ '~vacancy~rates :are Thigh portation, for example, as well
<br />city's long r" a~~e~,plan ~ e~n'ougli~~ie said, ;cities should : as g~ schools and -health 'i
<br />~Becanse~of"tli~rig ng_ a ~" a ~, ~ :~~onsider hiring ~"irinovative" - care. . ~~
<br />Roseville ~ o'~i Tc~ ce le'~ ~ And kee the taxes low
<br />~. arcliitects~ to transform P ,
<br />doesn'Ckeep~•y eT'd ~o~der . - - he added. -
<br />z ,~~, apartments ; ,into townhouses
<br />~'"starter~hom" a lid a coon - -
<br />~~ ,~t.~1,~t -and other .types of dwellings
<br />cd -i }~ ~~~f ~~ for :older people who want ~' f
<br />,,~ rte. •. smaller, homes requiring less
<br />t- #5` _ 'l Qw ~ ~ .maintenance: - _
<br />e-- ~ ~ ~ =The `Metr .
<br />~>,~_. ..,s~, _,. opolitan _ Council
<br />--~}~~~a~~rDY~ t6'~ ~r~ pewer~~" suggests older cities 'redesign
<br />omgs`~newer~u~ur"pbs'~o~ruse~lieu~~~ their.-~housin olicies to
<br />~~ ~rt ~~ ~ g ~ P .
<br />~. By contrast,--the number of;pecr~Ie~~S,;~-encourag edehatiil tation nor
<br />-to 34.,years. old is expected to be.:one- ; -'even 'tear- down . s o m e
<br />sriiaIler ~.~han= aheir '~i~~xt Older 'deteriorated dwellings.
<br />its ~~But phase ar"e`the ~ople ~vho '
<br />.~ifEen~ose starter hoin~es -older
<br />;~aby hoomet~s`~io~e to-'sell iri order to - '
<br />"~uythe~r=new~o`'Fnes,~e said. =' --=~'-~> --_y
<br />tli~y*j~an't `find someone to' buy -~
<br />gat modest "starter house, what's '
<br />..,fig to~happen to the housing-boom?"
<br />~ re said.
<br />