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MI~1UT'E,S <br />NOVEMBER 8, 1989 <br />PAGE 2 <br />LIONS CLUB REQUEST TO USE CITY PARK FOR SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES, • <br />CHRISTMAS TREE LICENSE #387 AND TEMPORARY SIGN PERMITS TO BE <br />ISSUED UPON RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS AND FEES <br />Sam Jacobs, representing the Falcon Heights/Lauderdale Lions <br />Club, requested that Council consider allowing the Club to <br />install 50 steel posts and 500 feet of snow fence at the City <br />Park as an enclosure for their annual Christmas Tree sales lot. <br />He also requested permission to place a temporary warming <br />shelter and satellite at the site. Following a brief discussion <br />Wallin moved approval of the requests contingent upon receipt of <br />the necessary license and signage documents. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />DISCUSSION OF UNIVERSITY'S INTENT TO SELL LEASE RIGHTS IN <br />IN UNIVERSITY GROVE <br />Baldwin explained that the University of Minnesota is <br />considering the sale of the lease rights of the University Grove <br />prope rty to the home owners in the neighborhood, and has inquired <br />as to whether or not the City would be interested in purchasing <br />the common areas. Wallin explained that the Planning Commission <br />at their November 6th meeting, recommended the City not purchase <br />the common areas. Council concurred and will not pursue <br />purchase. <br />CITY TO VACATE A PORTION OF EASEMENT ON EXTENSION GF FOLP,TELL <br />P_VE. FUBLIC HEART?QG SCHEDULED FOR 11/13/89, 7:30 P.M. <br />Wiessner explained that the University has requested the City to <br />vacate its easement on the extension of Folwell so the <br />University may sell the additional land as a part of Lct C for a <br />dwelling unit. Wallin explained that the Planning Commission <br />felt the City should not give up more than 25 feet of the <br />easement as it may be used for pedestrian access to the propcsed <br />walkway included in the City's Park Plan. Following the <br />discussion, Council agreed to vacate the west 25 feet of the <br />easement as long has there is no cost to the City. Council then <br />scheduled a public hearing on the proposed vacation for 7:30 <br />P. M. , December 13 , 19 89 . . <br />R ST FROM GARY AFFOLETER, 1892 HOLTON, FOR A PERMITTED <br />ACCESSORY USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A STORAGE BUILDING DEEMED. <br />UNNECESSARY <br />Wallin explained that Mr. Affoleter had begun to construct a <br />temporary lean-to on the side of his garage for boat storage, <br />but has new decided to make it a permanent structure. The <br />Planning Commission had a lengthy discussion. as to whether or <br />not an Permitted Accesory Use Permit was necessary and by a 6 to <br />1 vote did recorru-nend approval of the permit. Council also <br />questioned whether an Accessory Use Permit was appropriate or if <br />the structure was an addition to the garage which would only <br /> <br /> <br />require a building permit. Mr. Affoleter informe~ Council he <br />