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<br />p~Z'iV.~'~G 9YJ DFVFLOP:^.rNT 9-?.01 <br />p.~,?T ~}. Ohm F3P:I:.'i RESIDEti=1 ~L D=Si'~Ci <br />g-'-4.01 One Family "R-1" <br />Subdivision Z. Permitted Usss. Within any "R-1^ One-Family ~~' <br />Residential District, no structure or land sh~l be used except for one ~' <br />or more' of the following uses: <br />~~,..,' . <br />a.• One family detached dwellings. ),~ <br />G ; <br />b. Ag_Ticult~.~r~al (farm, suburban) land use not involving an open ~ <br />retail sales lot of products on tae premises. <br />Subdivision 2. Conditional Uses. iiithin any "R-1" Cne Family <br />Residential District, no structure or land shall be used for the <br />following uses except by conditional use permit: <br />a, Public parks and playgrounds. <br />b. Public and pa M chial schools provided no buildings shall be <br />located within fifty (~0) feet cf any lot l.~e of a*~ abutting lot in <br />an "R" use district. 1:~y f°nce er°cted around a play area sha'1 be <br />not less tha_O fifteen (15) feet from a street line when said fence <br />WOUId be across t:~e street from a.^. "R" use district. <br />c. Churches, including those related s~^uctures located on the same <br />site which are an integral part o: the church proper, convents or <br />homes for persons related to a rei_gious function on the same site <br />provided no more than ten (10) persons shall reside on the site and <br />no building shall be located with'_n thirty (30,) feet of any lot <br />line of an abutt_ng lot in an "R" use district. <br />d. Municipal buildings and structures, excluding storage of <br />maintananc~ equipment and trucks aver 1 1/2 tons, stack piling of <br />aggregate and open storage of material, but including fire fighting <br />apparatus, provided these shall not be located within thirty (30) <br />feet of any lot line of an abutt~~ng lot in an "R" use district. <br />e. Faz^._ing operations not involving the constr notion of new <br />buildings or the keeping of farm animals- <br /> <br />38 <br />