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PL.~YN=?tG A2~i DE~l~'LOP:":s.=~~`' °-?-02 to 2.0~= • <br />Subdivision 11. Environmental. The City Council may, froII time to <br />time, adopt by resolution and reference various performance standards <br />pertaining to the environment of Falcon Heights. These may include, but <br />are not necessarily limited to, various standards and rro osedobs the <br />contained in the Metropolitan Development Guide or asp F y <br />Metro politan Council pertaining to on-site sewage dispcsal and <br />treatment, protection of air space nav;gation, wetlands, solar access <br />protection and others. <br />The City Council may require that existing uses on the datecom ldowithn <br />of this Chapter shall, within a reasonable length of time, P Y <br />all perf ormance standards, including visual, follower ng a Public hearing <br />on the matter. - <br />g_2.03 Lot Provisions <br />Subdivision 1. Restrictions. A lot of record -existing upon the <br />effecti're date of this Chapter which does not meet the requirements of <br />this Chapter as to area or width may ba utilized for sing'_e family <br />detached dwelt~ng purposes provided it is zoned r..__dential 2nd tae <br />me a:urements of such area or w'_d:h are within sixty six gad two thirds <br />er..ent of the ^_quiremEnts of this Chapter, but said lot of • <br />(6b 2/33) P _ i ,: 1 ecWb'_red with c.^.e <br />record 9ha11 uOt tle ~OI'6 ir.~cri5~7E_;I Q°ve_Ope.. Llu e-`.~ <br />(1~ Or mOr°_ aDllt'~~IIA lo~s C^ portio^~ then°02' SO as to Create a lOt <br />mEeti'•253 the requ:rE~ents Oi tn,9 Chapter. <br />Subdivision 2_ P .U.D . Except in the czse of Planned Unit <br />Developments as provided for hereinafter, not more than one principal <br />building shall bE located on a lot. <br />g-2.0~ AccesQory Buildings and Structures <br />Subdivision 1. General _. <br />a. Na accessory building shall be constz^,eted or landtusejto Whiche <br />time of construction of the princ_pa- bu__d"ng ~_~ <br />~~. <br />it is accessory. .. - - =rte <br />b , An accessory build; ng shall be considered as an inta8ra-I- part of <br />tae principal building if it is located less~t:~an twelve- (i2) fact <br />f~om the principal building With r°spect to 21^°_liia?1 and other <br />reouirements of the building code, and thi~3 Code. <br />