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<br />• <br />P'_.~:ivl?1~ .'~'1~ DE'73L0?'~'V'= e-2.04 <br />C. ~CCeSSCry bu=j,C_C~S. Ctaer tSc. ~.__ 3,y-°S, ~ 2__"dS_C?='.__- <br />distr ict may be IOCated nOt lP_°.S t:1a_*2 I'_Ve 2'~et I'.^Cm a~^_ 1Z`.Cr? Cr <br />side cr rea.^ lot li ne uL'~LeSS tae 2CCeSSOry 3truCtllre 1S lOCated in <br />the r°ar t-,:enty percent of the lot, in ;:u'_c:^_ case they can be <br />lecatad net less t.^~an or_e foot frcm tae interior si de or rear Ict <br />i_ne (over:canEs may not extend ~ntc tae one fcot side or rear ycrd <br />setback). <br />Ga;ar~es in a res_dent_a_ distr_ct may be lceated net Less than f_ve <br />feet frcm an interior sale or r° lot ?ine u~ess taey are (? ) <br />? ocated iz the teas t::ent~r percent of tae lot, (2) adjacent to an <br />alley, 2.^.d (3) Oriented s11C'^. t.^.at ta'e V~^_;CU? ar access doer does nOt <br />face tae a.ley in ~;aic_^_ case taey can be Iccated net Less taan one <br />foot frcm an interior si.~'.e or rear lot 1_ne (cveraa.ns~s may act <br />extend into tae cne fact side cr r°ar yard setback}. <br />:'re cot^er sale yard settac?c for accesscry bu'__c_ags, i acluding <br />~y3raEes, s~a_' aCII°_••° tJ t :e °et:'aC={ rd'"-~••°=e_^.t fcr pr;~C=Ya_ <br />-^S <br />bu;_din~s as das~'_~ed __ c_4,a' , ~uhd. 4:5) (?D~ of tae _ot <br />ii~~~. :} ~e r° r ya. _ c._Q _.1 `.2_^=Cr s~~e ~r?^d Se G'.^.aCSS Sl~a_'_ be <br />tacse r°^~= _d : Jr ~~^a~_s ar_d zccasscr? 5~_~_aEs cc =_ter_cr <br />? cts. Lots ;..^.a..=^ tam 7: -'°t „'_-° saw, ha-re a _.~i/.i:^. ccraer <br />_ ~~ '_ 'aet Gary ~s oa t~ese <br />s_ce •rar_ set~ack r°~~ . °-esc _ess as __ ~ - -~- <br />_0~.3 ~~I^~,d ?CC3C~G ~CSer`.~~.::.. _. a'J°_C 'CII `..~e CC^^.er S;Ce ?Ct <br />_.e __ `..~ d `7°~_C:~3r cCC=sS :.C C.^ ~'~.C25 COt °3C°_ t~e S_~e S_ree... __ <br />^o case sha__ a ~..-'~ c^ ctazr accesscry bui_d..g be 'ec_cec ~_tai_ <br />`~.~_.~ s=.~.~ y3= ~. (~e^.Ced b7 l,r^.' ..3.` C_.~.~.V-i. ~ i'~=5/~.~J) .cee <br />^° <br />d. v0 aCC°_SSG^^' ~•...__~_ _~ a .w °s_.'~.~r-t_3._ d_3~. _~:~ Sia__ °..rCe°C t.^.e <br />-!S <br />cei~_c ei tae pr_ac'_^~ bu_;.._-~. <br />e. ?~ccessc^y bu_' d,_gs := *.: a bus_cess and __dustr? dist. _cts sha?'_ <br />be _ccacec aLj pace tc `.:.e rea_ of taa pr,acipa_ bui_d_n~, sucject <br />to tae 3ui_di :~ Cede, ar_d the fi= e sane r°~`,:? at_cns. <br />f. Yo detac^ed ~ara~es cr accessory bu=_d_ag sha? _ be ?ocated <br />nearer :: a 'C :L iCC '~-e `•--~-•= `••••e :'r_~r_~a_'_ iJII=_.'~_ ::S On t: at lOt. <br />~_ tic accesscr? bu==d=cg ~ ~ bus_: ess cr _=dust:;a'_ d=st:'_ct sazll <br /> <br />exceed e aei~.c <br />of ~e bui_.~ except by <br />pri=c_pa_ ~ cond_`iana? <br />use pert. <br />• <br />a. ~n accesscr`r bu__d_sg is tae business cr i~dustria? distr'_cts <br />may be ? ccatad ;:_`..:.~ t: e rezr ya_r2 se*bac'_t, provided twat tre lot <br />is net a tnrouga let and sa_d accesscry build_cg does not xcupy <br />more than 25 : of t e repui_ ed rear yard. 3n accessory bui? ding <br />sna_'_ be a Dare of the priacipa= bu_?d-:3 is it is ?ocated less tan <br />t::ei`re (',2) ?eet .f,om tue principal bui=dig. Ido accessory bui?dy-=S <br />shat be lecatad lass taaa t~~ '°et fram a rear lot~ne. <br />;n <br />