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7/22/2009 9:02:00 AM
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7/8/2009 10:11:14 AM
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a. No accessory building shall be constructed on a lot prior to the time of <br />construction of the principal building or land use to which it is accessory. <br />b. An accessory building shall be considered as an integral part of the principal <br />building if it is located less than twelve (12) feet from the principal building with <br />respect to firewall and other requirements of the building code. (Amended by <br />Ordinance 0-90-O1, January 10,1990.) <br />c. Accessory buildings, other than garages, in a residential district may be located <br />not less than five feet from an interior side or rear lot line unless the accessory <br />structure is located in the rear twenty percent of the lot, in which case they can be <br />located not less than one foot from the interior side or rear lot line (overhangs <br />may not extend into the one foot side or rear yard setback). <br />Garages in a residential district must be set back at least five feet from an interior <br />side or rear lot line unless: <br />(1) The garage meets all of the following: <br />(i) is located on an alley, and is accessed <br />from the alley or from a public street <br />abutting an alley on a corner lot; <br />(ii) is located in the rear 28 feet of the lot,and <br />(iii) is oriented such that the vehicular access door is perpendicular <br />to the alley; <br />If all the conditions of Section 9-2.04, Subd. 1 c(1) are met, the garage can be located not less <br />than one foot from an interior or rear lot line; or <br />(2) The garage meets all of the following: <br />(i) is detached from the principal structure, <br />(ii) is accessed from a driveway off of a public street, not an <br /> alley, <br />(iii) is replacing an existing garage that is located less than five <br /> feet from the side lot line; and <br />(iv) is located a minimum of five feet to the rear of the principal <br /> structure on the nearest adjoining property that is closest to <br /> the garage; or is located at least 10 feet from any portion of <br /> the principal structure on the nearest adjoining property. <br />If all of the conditions of Section 9-2.04, Subd. lc(2) are met, the garage can be located at the <br />same side yard setback as the existing garage that is being replaced, except that the new garage <br />shall not be located less than two feet from the side lot line. The replacement garage does not <br />have to be in the same location as the existing garage; or <br />• <br />
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