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(3) The garage meets all of the following: <br />• (i) is detached from the principal structure; <br />(ii) is accessed off an alley; <br />(iii)is replacing an existing garage that is located less than five feet from <br />the side lot line; and <br />(iv) is located in the rear 30 feet of the lot <br />If all of the conditions of Section 9-1.04, Subd. lc(3) are met, the replacement garage can be <br />located at the same side yard setback as the existing garage, except the garage shall not be <br />located less than two feet from the side lot line. <br />The corner side yard setback for accessory buildings, including garages, shall <br />adhere to the setback requirement for principal buildings as described in Section <br />9-4.01, Subd.4(b) (20% of the lot width). The rear yard and interior side yard <br />setbacks shall be those required for garages and accessory buildings on interior <br />lots. Lots smaller than 75 feet wide shall have a minimum corner side yard <br />setback requirement of not less than fifteen feet. Garages on these lots may be <br />located closer than fifteen feet from the corner side lot line if the vehicular access <br />door does not face the side street. In no case shall a garage or other accessory <br />building be located within the corner side yard. <br />d. No accessory building in a residential district shall exceed the height of <br />the principal building. In addition, no detached garage in a residential <br />district shall exceed: <br />(1) a maximum of 18 feet in height from grade to peak if the roof has a <br />pitch that is 4 foot (horizontal) to 1 foot (vertical) or greater; or <br />(2) a maximum of 12 feet in height from grade to peak if the roof has a <br />pitch that is less than 4 foot (horizontal) to 1 foot (vertical). <br />e. Accessory buildings in the business and industry districts shall be located any <br />place to the rear of the principal building, subject to the Building Code, and the <br />fire zone regulations. <br />f. No detached garages or other accessory buildings shall be located nearer to the <br />front lot line than the principal building on that lot with the exception of an <br />attached garage in an R-1 zone. (Amended by Ordinance 0-90-01, January 10, <br />1990.) <br />g. No accessory building in a business or industrial district shall exceed the <br />height of the principal building except by conditional use permit. <br />h. An accessory building in the business or industrial districts may be located <br />within the rear yard setback, provided that the lot is not a through lot and said <br />• accessory building does not occupy more than 25% of the required rear yard. An <br />7 <br />