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January 29, 19t5g <br />To A4ayor Wanks»tein and <br />V311ags Council l~iembers <br />Res 8efposed up-datin;~ of sAgn rerrtrictiors in <br />t>rdinance No. 6~ <br />The Planning; Ce~imnisaian met at the Village Hall an Tuesday, January 28, <br />19fig to consider tsro appliaatians for variances in size of signs for <br />please of buslr.»ess . Following the discussion on the variances , I~r. <br />Careen Said that hs felt that the ordinance restrictions on signs <br />should be revised. The teat of the s4ez~bena agreed' that the preasnt <br />restrictions are very lieaiting, and Would like to soaks the folloWir>g <br />recoramnendRtiona to the Council: <br />1. that tax. Dahlgren or aasneone ales at N~.dxsst Planning be <br />contadtsd for ads~te cn ghat is currently acsceptable <br />practicte in other stuni.eipalitiea With regard. to signs, <br />and <br />2. that a survey of existing signer in the Village be wade <br />as a guide to give direction in the dra~ir~ up of neW <br />s pacif ic+etions for s i.gns . <br />Sincerely yours, <br />George Plant, ~hair~a.n <br />Falcon Heights Planning Coamiasion <br />fb <br />