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1861 Itoor•- Avwauw <br />St. ~''sul, Minn. 58115 <br />August 3U, 196l~ <br />Mayor Herold C. ~Tiiswn <br />and. Villages Council ~ttwmbwrs <br />Villang+~ oP Falcon ~~-3ghts <br />1644 '3iesst Larp•~ntwur Avwnues <br />3t. Paul, l~nr~essota !6113 <br />C~•ntleso~-n s <br />9"h* Falcon P1s~nn~ng Com~i~slnn west sett th* V#,liag+~ Hall <br />ooa T~ondag, August 29, 14ES6, to ocrnsid•~r thes tollcywixi~ rnqu•sts in aacord- <br />aaow witk~ Zon~.riF Crd.irtaxtcw 54; <br />Res z Sias for '6esb r~,,,.c~otlte~ts 1708,,0. 8n~+lling Av~nu#r <br />ThA Planning Q,aa~,iesioa rescoma+~nds to the Falcon Ii.~ights H«-ights <br />Gounoil that thw variances rAqu~+st submitt*~d by Hubws Sign QomP~! bw <br />graori-twd. 5'h3s will allow tbesti to esrwat • thr,•es{a) t+•wt by 18 ~'•~~ sigp <br />on top of ~esbwrs Zan root and en wight~8) !««b bg eiR{6) t•*-t sign to <br />prol•~ct no mares than aia{1~) t*w't to ttnw front of thr~ building. Tha <br />variancws oov~rs ~Lh'* two{L) squares lesest ~3ch th«-sw two signs y+,zc+~~+d tthw <br />p~•r~nissiblw iQf) sgwnrw fes~t of total sign ar~•a. tt also p.rw3ts thes smotll~•r <br /> to pro~wnt six{Q} feswt to tttR front of th~- strut3tur+~ r~-as th~+ <br />main al).owablo pest Ordianaxtow is 18 incshws { 1~ tt. I . fibw sma~2lRr sign <br />{8 tt. bT 8 3't.1 sh©uld bw att+aobesd to the building so that its howesr <br />esdgw is at lesast 12 lest abotw grad, I+wwi. <br />8ws Arthur Lindig, 1878 ~`lwst Lerpesnt•ur Avs,., resquwst tUr <br />Conditional tTsw PArmit to uses part c>t rwsidesnt4~- as a <br />t~oa>atnghouse. <br />Iir. sand Yre. Lindig apg~ar*d bwPor~ tt~ ~'la~ua-ing Gc+~niesion son;d said <br />thwir bao~ had b•~n ch+-ckwd ovesr bg lira. tlls+an of thw t'nivesrsity 9tudesnt <br />tdousing Byrwao. dhw gartw th•-m best apporovaY and txad rwoomawndesd eesv~erwl <br />studwnts to thes Lindige i~' thwy resa.-l.vr. villages approval. `~tarR P~.atinirtg <br />Qaswm3.saion rwcc~wnds to t~ Falcon Hwights ~`iliag~+ Co~oil that ttxw <br />Cooaditional iTa• P~roaowit tar a roominghouses in this R•5 distri©t to bw. <br />ovwratNd $• part of tbes Arthur I,indig rwsiclwnow at T875 ~esst iuarpwAtesur <br />b+~ gstet~t»d. Zt shall provid* tar lodging far up to and including 8 <br />male p•rsone. Zt is sugg~atwd that th+~ villag+~ tires insp•-ator o3twak thw <br />prn~isess rAguilarly. <br />Res s RwQuwst for Variances on 63fl+~- Yard 3estback for 1'~. H~]ass <br />at i789 Asbury. <br />'t2y resf~ttwst O! t!~ shoves part to bu~.ld and a.dditi~n to' thw~ north sides <br />of b~i.a boom~- to within ttou~wes{5~ tesest of tto-w sidM Lot lines, alarm with a <br />plat plan, wns .resvi«~wwd b~ thw Gomaatssion. 2hw writt.n eoneAat c+t thw <br />•d 3oi>p~ing prOpwrty o'1rfAAhr diet~aot Rat iE3t3o14~an~J th• 1'4-quldst. Thy. 1'.-t~lii~- <br />>a*-t'-t isl wsaw~+Afiial in ordAr to amid lutures problesoaow toil thes resqur!stor. <br />'i'hw o;osrnisiooa also rM-quwsts an wl~+vation of thw proposwd struoLurw <br />showi>a$ its ©v~rall hwight, wrap, root lines, and ovwrhang besyoad thes <br />sail linty. AS soon as th~s+- conditions a~+ mwt, thes Planning Costatission <br />will swvCw an tassesdiat+~ r+~ooaaw-ndatioxt. <br />Y~-ry !truly goitres <br />~wargw Y~. Plant, CtZaira~an <br />