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:tre3e~:~;s <br />X861 11oorR Aveauc+ <br />St. Paul, Minn. Sb11S <br />August 30~-1988 <br />Mayor Harold G. l~ilsen -_ <br />and Village Cowncih ~ld~mbwrs <br />Villags o! Falcon Hl+ights <br />1644 u~,st Larp~nteur Av~nuw <br />3t. Paul, Minnesota 65113 <br />t~~,ntlemen s <br />The Falcan Re+ights Pianning.Commission met at the Yillag~ Hall <br />on Monday„ August 2;i, 1~t66, Eo,_oonsid~r th+~ tolla+wing rwqu~sts in accord- <br />anee with Zoning Ordinance 64y <br />F` <br />Rea S~ for ~[~b~r~ „Cof~taRa Inn, 1708,0. Bn~lling Avwnu~r <br />Thw Planning Gommission rAcom~+nds to thw ~'Rlcon Seights H~ights~ <br />Council that th~+ variance r~qu~st .submitted bar ~u'bAr.-Sign_Company be <br />granted. This will allow th~-m to-.~+rwat a t~are+e;{8~ tww~ byj418 tw~-t sign <br />on top of 1lRbwrs Inn root az~d an wightt8i teet by aiu{!3~ twit .sign to <br />prc~~wat no ^ore than six(6) t•r++t to th•- trout of thy, building. Tha <br />varianme= covers the twotYl sgv4aro lewt which ttt--ese t,ro signs esoRed tthe <br />pet~sissibh l0A sgtapitsw t'~wt ~-t total ai~n arwa. It ciao germits the smahwr <br />sign to probe®t sin{6} te~+t to th!+ Croat cat. t~- strueturw wherwas thw <br />maadmv~ allowable per... Ordinanc~+ is i8 inoki~-s {l~ tt.) . Thu strsillAr sign <br />{8 tt. by 8 ft.j should be attached to thw building w that its lower <br />*dge is at least 12 lewt ab©vw gradm heel. <br />Ries Arthur Lindg, 1878 test Larpenteur Ave..,, rwquwst for <br />Qondttonal IIse Pwrnit to use part.. of rwsidwnoe as a <br />Roomi.nghouse. <br />Yr~. eari-d Yrs. Lindig appe;ar~d br~tore .the. Planning Goacuissian and said <br />thwir hom~- had b,~An otu+ckwd o~+~r by Yrs. 014on of thw University Student <br />Housing ~rAau. ShA gaTw th~-m bar appaPOVal .and had rwcOasAndAd sRveral <br />students to the Ltndigs; it th~+y receive village.. approval. Tku+ <br />t~oamiss.lan reee~swads to t~ pelsan Heights village. t3o~a-ci1 that the <br />Goaditional Dsr- Pwrs~it t0r a roo~.ngh©uaw in this 'R+3S district to~ bw~~ <br />operated ae part of the Arthur Lindig residenow at 18~fi llwst Larp~,nteur^ <br />bra grant«d. It s~allprovid~ for lodging for up t© anfl including 6 <br />Mahe p~rrson~e. It is suggAsted that the village tires insp+~otor ahwak the <br />prwmiswa r«gglerly. <br />Res t Reques# tox Variaac~ on Side Yard Swtbaek for 1ha. Hwlms <br />st 1't89 Asbury. <br />Thw rwquest of tt~+ , ab©ve part tca. build hnd addition to~~th~ north. side <br />of his homR to within thrA~{3~ twet of thw sides lot line, along with a <br />plat plan, was rRviewed byt tha Ga~aissicn. The written. oonsAnt of thec - <br />ad~oining property ownwP , didnot Rs~ a®eompaay the rAqu~+st. Thw rAgvtirA- <br />m~+i~t is wss~ntial 3n ard~-r to arroid t~turA problems tole th~+~rwquestor. <br />Thy Gosutisoa alsa regtaests an ~lwvattoxs of the prc'pos~+d structurA <br />showing #ts ©v•-ra11 hwight, wall, root lines, cad o'~rhang bwy0nd tht+ <br />wall lixu~. As soon as ttu+sw conditions arc ~awt, hw Planning Commission <br />will makA an is~twdia-t ~+ ~ooauu-ndRtian. <br />Very truly yours, <br />George M. Plant, Chairman <br />