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-~ r- <br />,ViTTiv'G Ur 1'i~ r`~wC~i~ ;:i,IGli~';~ 1?L,h1~~~Ti~u C;Giun~~~Ia~iU~4 <br />September ~0, 196 <br />Bi~,E,~~;"I' Plant, Hindermann, Libby, Oilman, Otis, Berdie, anc~ TrustEe Black <br />kvT` I,a.rson. <br />The meeting v~Te.s celled to order at 7:15 p.m. <br />~~r. 3all~:s ~. 1Vli.kkelsan, 1731 +i. Sitrz~sori, e~,lainc-•d hir a~plcation i'or <br />a variance tv allow hisri to build a. roam onto Isis name that ~~uulcz extend ,a.i~ <br />additional tz~o Beet beygnd the exi:stis~g cone ~pecifica.tiar~. <br />letter was circulated f"rom Vuc°. and tvir~s. Fierre Basqui.z~ oi' 1755 i~. ~im.~- <br />son. They did not object to the variance as 2O feet ~ ould still reic~in be- <br />tween the propsed :addition and their home. (Theis gn.rage a.r~d driveway are <br />'k.-on the side of their home towards the ~ixkelson's pause anc hei3c~e it would <br />be unlikely tiz~.t athejT wouici ever build an addition on that side.) <br />I~ir. ~I.ikk~elson explained that he would. have to build <a nevi garage an the <br />back of his lot with a drve.y between his home -and that of iuir. ivlrs. <br />Iinay 1~'right. This driveway would be a mutual drive i"or both lots. ~ <br />letter from the ~4Trights wds circulr~,ted in ~rhi ciz they in~.icated that a <br />mutual easement of perpetual duration -was being drarol~n. that would allow a <br />driveway to be co:-~structed between the two lots. <br />There was discussion ..about the advisability of a u~utual drivewaay Arid -also <br />the location of the garage on t:n..e lot. iVir. iviik%lson flaiii~ri to place <br />it tyro feet i'rom the side lot Brie ailil two feet from ttzf bacK lot line. <br />The present ordinance is not clear-with respect to detached ga.ra.ges <br />and driveways. I111~st they be 5 feet from the lot line? The present <br />building code only requires a 2 foot set back. <br />IuIO`1'ICiId it~lr. Hindermann's motion waS passea that the Pla=cling Commission <br />recommend to the Village Council that they grant IV7r. tuils%.elso~3's request <br />for a veriance to build a room onto his mouse watu.d Mend to ~rithin <br />three .feet of the northern boundary of his "lot. <br />ii~CCi~v~i~,ja111i'TuL~ The Commission members felt trey should recommend <br />to tine Village Council that an ardinar~ce be passed wlicYl xrould cld.rify the <br />set-back requirements for detached buildings end ririveways. This is ueeuec <br />as the present ordinance is not specific, and coraf'usion exists Uetareen it <br />end the building cone.. <br />iris rueeting was adjourned -a.t 6:.4C p.m. <br />Respecjt~f~ully /submitted, <br />~'' ~ °`'(J'~ (I~ <br />T~rrs . T~alph F. i3erdie, ~ecreta.ry <br />