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t'jJb.4~Ci i:].Lskit~-~.1'u(,z l~'~' 1i"i::, i~~hiJ(it,i~ 11Lr1.~i1'11J ~ilii:'liri.~~s=i1L~LV <br />September b0, 1~~64 <br />r'~~~;~vT: Plant, riinuermann, Libby, t)liman, Otis, Be-rzie axed Trustee <br />Tile nleetir~g vas caviled to order at t~:00 p.m. <br />ir~r, Plant opened trle meeting vdtl~ a statement teat this wds to be a public <br />hearing on ~i a~aplication .and petition for rezoning frovi ri-1 to r:-~ c tJ:at <br />real estate described as <br />"the nortri 53.51 feet of the south .~~55.51 feet of Lot 5, Bloch 2 <br />oi° Lindig addition.n <br />i~ir °' Lindig explained txs.t the rezoning was requestea so that a 17 unit apart- <br />men~buildi.i~lg could be built. 1~ithout file rezoning tixere v-auld only be room <br />f oz° an 11 unit . . __ <br />Tds. Cleon Carley explained tine tentative plans for the apartment building. ire <br />pointed out that as there was no alley the ~}arking area must be on the sine or' <br />the building instead of beiiiild it. Tine rJarici.nb lot is p7.arned be:weexx the <br />building and the south edge of tine lot. It ~rould still be 14U ~ f`rom La.rpenteur. <br />(~1r. Lindig ~ s dome is between trle proposed apartment axzd Larpenteur.) _A recreation <br />area is planned behind tixe building. <br />Palr. t lant asked if' anyone ~varlted t speak in favor ol" t~ rezoning, ax,ci ric cne did. <br />lair. i?lant read s. letter in opposition to file rezoning prom IU;r. r'1.orian Lauer. <br />iBir. Lauer opposed tre rezox;ii;g for five reason; : 1. trlere app-years to <br />be no va,:iid reason for exterdillg tYle cur~~ently zoned. n-3 area beyora i-ts preNeilt <br />boundaries, as that area is un~uestioru~.bly suited. #'or i~,-1 coning, ~) the area <br />presently zoi~led t~-5 is dde~uate for builcirlg multiple units, a.nd 5) ii true <br />rezoning is perriitted it vai.l. lead to more re-zc:ning ~uu vr~ill uriderruirie the ccn- <br />fiaellce of tide property ovrners in the zoning ordinance. <br />Others erilo spoke age.ilst the rezoning- we~_e Ivir. anc tvir.s.~r~i ~nderscll, i~ir. <br />Joseph Bia.nciu., i~ir. I~'lorian Lauer, and airs. John iai. ~a.eGregor. i~;rs..bxrderson <br />pointed out that if tale rezoning is permitted so that an apartment builcrixlg can <br />be built in that locs.tion witrl a house between it and Larp~enteur the whole idea of <br />the n-3 buffer zone vaould be defeated. NIr. Bianchi sumn;ed up the o' ttlose <br />in opposition when he stated that the reason for tree rezoning was to peru7it a <br />larger apartment banding then could be built on trie present available space. <br />The answer, .instead of rezoning, could be td build a smaller building. <br />Tile Ylearing was then adjourned. <br />i~r. Libby moved, seconded by c,r. `rlindermann, that the Plallnir~g Com~>;issi.on <br />recomruend to tree Village Council ta&t the epplication far rezoning ttie north 55..51 feet <br />of tale south ;53.51 feet of Lot 5, ~tlocx ~ of file Lindig XccitCyll be denied. The <br />motion -was carried unanirciously. <br />The meeting ve.s adjourned. <br />t~espect ull,~ submitted, <br />• ~ v~-Qi <br />vss . Ita.Lp11 F'. nerdie, uecretdry <br />