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Page 5 <br />Memo <br />So 5i~ras for Service Stmtion <br />We have specified that the sign be sot-back ~° from the right-of-way. <br />This is no particular problem if the sot-back of the pumps is 30'. <br />Indeed,. this is one of the reasons fox the 30' set=pack. You <br />will note in the ordinance t's:at all other signs for other businesses <br />are required to be set-bQCk 30' . `1'tius, sae ~.:~e g~.vir~ an exception <br />to service stations by ailow.Lng t~.em a sine pylon sign within 6' <br />of the right-of-way. <br />The minimum square footage useu. for saach as serv'lce station sign <br />is a varying thing. There is a general frond for service station <br />signs to get larger and l.s,rg,?r• We ha~re in fact used the 100 square <br />foot minimum in some of the la~°,ger subL~rban communities. If, you <br />feel that the 100 squay:e fool. t~rould not bo a problem, you might well <br />consider cP~..anging this requirement. <br />If the 30' set-back is maintained st the pump islands and a 6° set back <br />is required to the property line wr feel tl~.t there would be no problem <br />in reducing the minimum height ,to 12°• Thi3 has no particular aesthetic <br />affect, but was done only to maintain clez~xance undex the sign- <br />The allowance of sdditiona? signs in the front yard area is questionable <br />in-as-much as for all other businesses all signs must be 30° from the <br />rift-of-way. Norr~ll.y 3.t is cansidexed necessary to rr~intain consistency <br />in, zoning. That is, no e~;ceptions can be u~de gi~-ng particular advant- <br />age to one business over another. We have made an exception for filling <br />stations with respect to the single Pylon sign. We and other consultants <br />in the area have done this consistently in the metropolitan area because <br />of the uiique nature of advextisin$ for service stations. You could, <br />if you desire, extend this exception to include an additional sign far <br />service stations. If this is done, however, yte suggest that this sign <br />maintain at least the 6' set back required of the pylon sign. The <br />ordinance in Poseville does not n~-ke this exception. <br />9, We have worked with the 20' set-back required f~ driveways at the <br />intersection of rights-of-way ar..~. have found this to be no particu]~ax <br />problem. You will note that this distance is measuaed at the property <br />line. Thus, the actual distance from the corner to the curb cut is <br />considerably less dependir_~ upon the location of the curb with respect <br />to the property I.tne. Here again, if the 20' is a particular hardship <br />on a particular lot the ~~.riance can be dented. We suggest leaving <br />the 20° in the ordinance as is. <br />SUMMARY <br />May we commend the Planning Go~t.ssion and Oouncil for the eaccellent public <br />relations .and inforrQation fob that has been done with respect to the proposed <br />zoning ordinance and map. ThL number of changes requested by property owners <br />has been unusually smeell. It is not uncommon as you know, for the adjustment <br />to requests made at public hearings to "eke d considerable length of time and <br />many meetings. This is the tie, to adjust as ~ problems as possible so <br />as to limit the need for future rezon3ngs and adjustments later. Such rezonings <br />are much more expensive to handle on do individual basis and it is imrportant <br />