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C. POLICIES AND PRACTICES: <br /> The ADA prohibits agencies from imposing policies or practices that directly or <br /> indirectly prevent or limit individuals with disabilities from participating in agency <br /> programs, services or activities. For example, requiring presentation of driver's license as <br /> the sole means of identification for the purpose of paying by a check would discriminate <br /> against individuals with severe vision impairments who are ineligible to receive driver's <br /> licenses. <br /> 9. Identify all sources of agency policies, induding statutes, regulations, policy <br /> directives, guidance memoranda, manuals and other guidelines. Have you reviewed all <br /> policies and modified, where necessary, any policies that have the direct or indirect effect <br /> of excluding or limiting the participation of people with disabilities in agency programs and <br /> activities? <br /> Yes X No <br /> If you answered no to this question, you should review and modify your policies where <br /> necessary. <br /> 10. Have you identified, reviewed and modified, where necessary, eligibility, <br /> testing or admission criteria or licensing standards and procedures that would limit or <br /> exclude participation of individuals with disabilities? Particular attention should be paid to <br /> criteria or standards incorporating or establishing the following. <br /> physical or mental fitness or performance requirements; <br /> safety standards; <br /> testing requirements; <br /> educational requirements; <br /> work experience requirements; <br /> income level requirements; <br /> credit rating requirements; <br /> requirements based on disability; <br /> requirements that prohibit participation because of disability; <br /> insurability requirements; and <br /> licensure and certification requirements. <br /> YeJ No <br /> If you answered no, you must review eligibility and admission criteria to ensure programs <br /> are accessible to all quahfied /eligible indivicr"als with disabilities. <br /> 11. If your agency limits or denies participation in its programs, activities or <br /> services based on drug usage, you should make sure that such policies do not discriminate <br /> against former drug users, as opposed to individuals who are currently engaged in illegal <br /> use of drugs. Do you have policies to avoid discrimination against former drug users? <br /> Yes No NA <br /> If you answered no, you should modify your policies appropriately. <br /> -27- <br />