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12. Has your agency established a mechanism to ensure that its employment <br /> practices and policies do not discriminate against individuals with disabilities? <br /> Yes X No <br /> If you answered no, you should establish such a mechanism <br /> NOTE: The Minnesota Department of Employee Relations will provide guidance on <br /> completion of a separate Self Evaluation of employment practices. <br /> 13. Do any of your programs provide separate services or accommodations to <br /> individuals with disabilities? <br /> Yes No, <br /> If you answered yes, you should ensure that the programs for individuals with disabilities <br /> offer comparable services to the regular programs and that individuals with disabilities are <br /> not denied access to the regular programs if they so choose. <br /> 14. Are disabled persons excluded from participation in any of your agency's <br /> services, programs or activities because of the location of the facility or room in which the <br /> activity takes place? <br /> Yes N4/ <br /> If you answered yes, you should take steps to remove structural barriers or to provide <br /> programs at accessible sites, unless to do so would fundamentally alter the nature of the <br /> program or would result in undue harcichip. <br /> 15. Are your programs, services and activities administered in the most integrated <br /> setting appropriate to the needs of individuals with disabilities? <br /> Yes^ No <br /> If you answered no, you should evaluate your programs to ensure they are offered in <br /> the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of individuals with disabilities. <br /> 16. Do you require individuals with disabilities to accept special accommodations? <br /> Yes No <br /> If yes, you should ehange your practice to allow persons with disabilities to participate <br /> without special accommodations if they so choose. <br /> 17. Do you charge a fee for special accommodations? <br /> Yes No X <br /> If yes, you should change your practices. <br /> Your agency should not impose a charge on persons with disabilities for any special <br /> accommodation or anriliary aid that you provide to make your program, service or activity <br /> accessible. <br /> -28 <br />