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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />OCTOBER 8, 2015 <br />The Planner indicated that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the <br />existing and future surrounding land uses in the area. The outdoor storage <br />being requested is allowed under the PUD designation provided that all <br />Code requirements are met. The Planner noted that if off-site outdoor <br />storage is allowed, it is typical for an Interim Use Permit to be considered <br />for periods of three years, with some extending beyond that timeframe. <br />The Planner recommended approval of the Rezoning, PUD Permits for <br />outdoor storage, and Interim Use Permit for off-site outdoor storage (if <br />needed), subject to compliance with the outdoor storage regulations listed <br />in the Zoning code. <br />Ledin asked if a tenant of the property would have to be a Little Canada <br />business. The Planner reported that that is a requirement of the Zoning <br />Code. He noted that when application is made for an outdoor storage <br />license, the tenant would have to be identified and verified as a Little <br />Canada Business. <br />Schwalbach reported that he is purchasing 3100 Country Drive as he <br />needs additional space for his business. Schwalbach stated that he will <br />likely bring one tenant into the property. Schwalbach reported that once <br />his business begins to occupy the property, he will be able to determine <br />the amount building space as well as outdoor storage space that would be <br />available for lease. <br />Duray asked what the plans are for the portion of the property where the <br />City had a wood chip pile. Schwalbach replied that the area would be <br />planted with prairie grass. He indicated that there would be bushes <br />planted in the areas on the west and south sides of the building. The <br />existing parking area would be retained for parking and the existing <br />outdoor storage area would be retained for outdoor storage. Schwalbach <br />also indicated that he plan is to paint the building and the City has given <br />him until August 31, 2016 to complete the painting. Schwalbach reported <br />that the purchase agreement on the property was just finalized today. <br />Duray stated that he was happy when North Heights Hardware moved into <br />Little Canada, and he is glad that the business is growing and successful. <br />Duray recommended approval of the Rezoning of 3100 Country Drive <br />from Public (P) District to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District <br />given the sale of this property by the City to Jim Schwalbach. <br />Motion seconded by Davison. <br />Motion carried 5 — 0. Schwalbach abstained. <br />4 <br />