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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />OCTOBER 8, 2015 <br />REZONING, <br />PUD PERMITS, <br />INTERIM USE <br />PERMIT -- <br />3100 <br />COUNTRY <br />DRIVE — <br />SCHWALBACH <br />Jim Schwalbach, North Heights Hardware, appeared before the <br />Commission requesting a Rezoning of 3100 Country Drive from Public <br />(P) District to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, PUD Permits <br />for outdoor storage for all or some of the tenants of the property, and an <br />Interim Use Permit for outdoor storage for tenants without a presence in <br />the building. <br />Nick Schwalbach stated that he will be abstaining from the discussion and <br />from voting on the requests before the Commission due to the fact that the <br />applicant is his father and president of the family business. <br />The City Planner reviewed his October 5, 2015 report. He noted that 3100 <br />Country Drive is the site of the City's former Public Works garage. The <br />City has entered into a purchase agreement with Jim Schwalbach for this <br />site, The request is to rezone the property from Public (P) District to <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. The Planner noted that the <br />PUD zoning is designed to accommodate unique properties or to address <br />properties that are already developed that may not meet all the standards <br />of a typical zoning district. The Planner noted that the proposed use is <br />consistent with surrounding properties. <br />The Planner noted that the City's use of the property was industrial, <br />including heavy equipment storage, some outdoor storage, and <br />equipment/vehicle repair and maintenance. Mr, Schwalbach has indicated <br />that the use of the property will not change significantly. The property <br />will be used as a support site to the North Heights Hardware retail facility <br />on Rice Street. 3100 Country Drive will be used by Mr. Schwalbach as a <br />warehouse/garage and repair shop. He is also proposing some outdoor <br />storage and may lease a portion of the property to a landscape and/or lawn <br />care business for outdoor storage The Planner noted that a PUD Permit is <br />required for outdoor storage use when there is also a presence in the <br />building. If the potential tenant does not have a presence in the building, <br />then an Interim Use Permit is required to lease solely outdoor storage <br />space. <br />The Planner noted that the applicant is proposing to make various <br />improvements to the site, including painting the building, staining the <br />fence, and completing landscaping improvements in the lawn area. <br />Schwalbach has indicated that his outdoor storage use could consist <br />primarily of motorized equipment and palletized material that can be <br />moved to the retail site on Rice Street when needed, Outdoor storage <br />would occur inside the existing cedar -fenced area to the north of the <br />building. The Planner noted that any outdoor storage use would be <br />required to meet all Code requirements including licensure of the use. <br />3 <br />