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09-13-2017 Council Packet
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09-13-2017 Council Packet
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<br /> <br /> STAFF REPORT <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />TO: Mayor Keis and Members of City Council <br /> <br />FROM: Bill Dircks, Public Works Director <br /> <br />DATE: September 7, 2017 <br /> <br />RE: Vacant Public Works Maintenance Position <br /> <br />With our recent opening in the Public Works Department, we need to look at filling the position. <br />Earlier this year, we hired another new full-time employee in May to fill the vacancy left by Parks and <br />Recreation/Community Services Manager, Bryce Shearen. In the past, the typical crop of candidates <br />has not been particularly strong. There have been well-qualified candidates on paper, but many of <br />them had issues either on their resume or during the interview which caused the City to eliminate them. <br />So, while they were qualified experience-wise, there was reason to be concerned about their past <br />history. Staff looks for attitude, aptitude, and fit when assessing potential job candidates. Experience <br />is not as important as those other traits. Anyone with a good attitude and good aptitude can be trained <br />to do what needs to be done. <br />Many of the past public works hires have been part-time/seasonal employees at Little Canada prior to <br />being hired on full time. Given their seasonal position, we had the opportunity to evaluate them in <br />them in the work place on a first-hand basis. Bryce Shearen, Kurt Frison, Matt Mallory, Bill Dircks, <br />Merri Nadeau, John Datko, Scott Heaton, and Joe Steele were all part-time/seasonal employees prior to <br />being hired full time. These employees had been trained by Little Canada full-time employees and <br />were well-acquainted with the department and the City’s practices and procedures. They were able to <br />make an easy transition to full-time status. <br />It should also be noted that in recent memory, the City has not hired any full-time public works <br />employees who had full-time experience in public works with another agency. (The last one we can <br />recall was hired in the early 1990’s.) In the past, the City’s pay scale was lower than most other cities <br />in the metropolitan area. That necessitated hiring inexperienced candidates who then gained <br />experience in Little Canada and then moved on to better-paying jobs in other cities. The wage scale <br />was eventually adjusted to be competitive with other metro cities and since then there has been less <br />attrition due to that reason. An employee has not left to go work for another public works department <br />since the early 2000’s. Others who have left went on to new careers outside of public works. <br />Based on past experience with hiring public works employees, staff is proposing to add an Apprentice <br />position to the department. The Apprentice employee would be trained on the job with the goal of <br />developing them in a manner that would qualify them for a full-time position with Little Canada or <br />another city if a position did not open up in Little Canada. The Apprentice employee would work
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