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09-13-2017 Council Packet
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09-13-2017 Council Packet
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<br />year-round and would earn a wage that would be higher than the top of the seasonal scale but lower <br />than the current full-time scale. The employee would earn raises based on time worked as well as <br />earning a commercial driver’s license and gaining the necessary experience to be able to be on call. <br />A potential job description and wage scale has been included with this memo. Some changes were <br />made to the job description to show that the Apprentice won’t be performing some of the more <br />difficult tasks alone but would assist in them (similar to what we do with new hires). The minimum <br />and desired qualifications were also changed to lower the standards needed to be met to qualify for the <br />position. <br />Staff believes the Apprentice position will be a great way to groom candidates for future full-time <br />positions. If there is a standout seasonal employee who expresses interest in public works as a career <br />this position, we may be able to develop that employee for the future. Whether there is a standout <br />Little Canada seasonal employee or not, the City would advertise for the position and use the same <br />hiring practices it uses for all other full-time positions. <br />In the case of the current opening, staff is proposing to advertise for the Apprentice position, hire the <br />most qualified candidate, and train the candidate on the job. The thought is the process will take <br />around two years to become eligible for our standard public works position. During that two-year <br />period, the apprentice should have obtained a commercial driver’s license and earned the opportunity <br />to be in the on-call rotation. When an opening occurs, we would hope that the apprentice has been <br />properly trained and is qualified to compete for the standard position. When a position is open, it will <br />be advertised and the regular hiring process will be used to make sure that the apprentice is the right <br />candidate. It is in the City’s best interest to have the apprentice compete for the job to make sure that <br />he/she is truly the best candidate available. The practice of advertising for a full-time position when <br />one opens will always be used should the apprentice program be instituted going forward. <br />The City has had some excellent seasonal employees over the years and staff believes this is an avenue <br />worth exploring to try and leverage those good employees to help with maintenance of the City while <br />training them for a long-term career. If there is not a standout seasonal and/or an outside candidate <br />who fits the bill, then the position will not be filled if it is open and another attempt will be made at a <br />later date. <br />Staff recommends approving the Public Works Apprentice Worker position for the current opening <br />and as a permanent position going forward. Staff will advertise for the position immediately in the <br />hope of having a new hire by late October to enable adequate training prior to snow removal season. <br /> <br />
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