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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) Montour, Fahey, Scalze, Anderson, LaValle. <br />Nays (o). Resolution declared adopted. <br />CONDIT The City Administrator presented background information on the <br />STREET Condit Street right-of--way. He reported that be will be meeting with <br />RIGIIT-OF-WAY Mr. and Mrs. Zoch and Mr. Bougie next Thursday to review this information. <br />Should they with to discuss the matter with the Council, it will be placed on <br />the September 26'x' Council meeting agenda. <br />TEMPORARY Council discussed the City's temporary sign ordinance and the problems <br />SIGN that the City has with enforcement of this ordinance. It was the consensus <br />ORDINANCF, of the Council to refer this matter to the Planning Commission for their review. <br />The Council also instructed staff to research what other cities are doing with <br />regard to temporary signs as well as enforcement practices. The City <br />Administrator indicated that this matter will be placed on the October Planning <br />Commission agenda. <br />ASSESSMENT The Council reviewed the application for deferral of the commercial portion <br />DEFERRAL - of the Little Canada Road assessment for 104 1/ast Little Canada Road as <br />104 EAST submitted to Leo Stadler. It was noted that this is consistent with other <br />LITTLE CANADA deferrals granted to propeirties along Little Canada Road that are being <br />ROAD - used as residential. <br />STADLER <br />PROPERTY Mr. LaValle introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption <br />RESOI UTION iy0. 2001-9-I99 -APPROVING THE DEP'ELtRAL OF <br />ASSESSMENTS' IN THE AMOUNT Ol~' $7, 673.75 AS REQUESTED 13Y <br />LEO STADLER FOR 104 EAST I ITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Anderson. <br />Ayes (5) LaValle, Anderson, Scalze, Fahey, Montour. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />RICE STREET/ The City Administrator reviewed the letter received from Oppidan <br />LITTLE relative to terms and conditions to be included in a development agreement for <br />CANADA ROAD development of the northeast corner of Rice Street and Little Canada Road. <br />RED:GVELOP- The City Administrator recommended that a deadline be set for the <br />MENT completion of negotiations for this development agreement given the need to <br />proceed with redevelopment of this corner as well as the fact that there is <br />another developer interested in the property. <br />