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01-05-54 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-05-54 Council Minutes
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+`~~ h <br />r, <br />ijll~TUT).~;5 OF T?li I%iEtiTING <br />OF T[3U VIT.~L~PGr3 COIJNCIL pF TtIE <br />VILLAGE OF' LI`:~TLi CANADA <br />;F :'r i4 il' 9t <br />The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Lit- <br />tle Canada was l~~eld at the Little Canada Fire Station on Tuesday, <br />January 5, 1954 at 7030 P.M. <br />The roll being called, the members of the Coun- <br />cil zaere present; <br />Louis r~:r. Me7_ancon., Mayor; Roy 1'. Nadeau, <br />Clerl Carl Sr~ooner,F,d~rrard. R. Loeffler, <br />John A~. Vita.le, Trustees <br />Minutes of the of Decerabe.r 1, 1953 anal. the special <br />meeting of December 16, 19,h"3 were a.pprovecl a.s rea.d. by the Clerk. <br />Mayor Melancon made a fez.~r rern7.rlts in observation of the <br />New Year a.nd officially greeted. the rest of the members of the Coun- <br />cil a.ncl the citizens present. <br />The first order of business announced by the Mayor ~~ias the <br />.reading of <br />COMIdUIQI CA`EI UN S <br />TJ.Ze clerk read a letter from Senator George Siegel con- <br />grr~tulating the Mayor and a.7.1 members of the Council, extending his <br />best wishes Por the ne:~~ year a.nd offering his full cooperation on <br />any matters of a civic or gove.rnmentel na.tu.i~e. This letter was for- <br />ma:11y received and placed on file. <br />Tlxe next letter zaas ene from Sheriff Tom Gibbons concern- <br />3.n~; the matter of civilian defense. This letter t~ras r. eceived and. <br />placed on file. <br />The Clerk then r.ea.d a. letter from the State Commission on <br />Highway Development requesting; the coope.rati.on of the Village 1!;ngi.nee.r <br />in completing the work. of the IlighT,*ay Study Commission, This letter <br />taa.s acknotaled~;ed and placed on f11e. <br />The Clerk. then read a letter from Mr. C~Ta.l.lace Drake point-~ <br />ing out that he has painted some pictures depicting scenes and 1nri- <br />dents from th.e early history of the Little Canada. area. which are on <br />display a.t a St. Pa.u1 art shota~. This letter was acknowledged and <br />placed. on file. <br />A letter was also read. by tkze C7.erk from Mr. Albert Johnson <br />accepting the appointment a.s electrica.l inspector. This letter was <br />placed on file. <br />The C].erk also read a letter from the L7.tt1e Canada. Fire <br />Dcpai~tment advising the Vil.lan,•e Council that the k~ire Department is <br />more than happy to have the Council use the Fire T-1a11 for its <br />
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