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02-17-54 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-17-54 Council Special Minutes
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M1NU'.i?ES OF A S}?ECIAL ME~TSNG <br />OF TiIE VILLAGE COINCIL OF <br />THE VILLAGE OF LI`C'TLE CANIaDA <br />ik 3h 45 k iF <br />Pursuant; to notice given, a. special meeting of the <br />Counci:L of the Vi17.age of Little Canada was he7.d on Wednesday, <br />February 17, 1954, at the Little-Canada Fire Hall at 7;30 P<M, <br />The following rnernbers of the Council were present; <br />Louis Nela,ncon, P~a,yor; Roy P. Nadeau, <br />Clerk; Carl Spoonei^, Ed_ Loeffl~:r, <br />John Vitale, Trustees. <br />Also present a.t the meeting were C,ra.llace Drake and Joseph Oman, <br />Justices of Peace; Pa.u1 Holmstrom and David Fra.ttalone, Consta- <br />bles; and E. 6•J. Ehnstrom, Tr. ea.surer, <br />I-iayor Melancon announced that Sheriff Thomas Csibbons <br />of 13arnsey County had been invited to attend this meeting to dis- <br />cuss police protection and the problem of policing g;enera.lly in <br />the V].11age of Little Canada. <br />Sheriff Gibbons was presented by the 2!a.yor a.nd the <br />Sheriff introduced his CiZie1' Deputy, Mr. Milton Hohn. A4ayor <br />iulelancon asked Shei^i.ff Gibbons to c;xplaln to the Council what <br /> rights ar duties, i.f any, the sheriff's office had with- <br />in the incorporated area of L1tt1e Canada a.nd. also to explain <br />any other hert3.nent factors to policing. Sheriff Gib- <br />bons stated very cl_ear'l_y L'hat i~then any community incorporates <br />into a village it is the duty of this v3.7.lage as a new munir,ipal- <br />ity. to provide its own police protection. The sheriff went on to <br />state that hi.s deputies, a.nd an,y ot.he:c part of his organisation <br />for that matter, a1r•~a.ys ready to assist the municipal. police. <br />He pointed out that the sheriff', cars are equipped for and oa3.11 <br />provide ambulance service and will also prorspt7_y respond. in case <br />of emergencies. The sheriff then went on to exp7_ain the need <br />for more men in his own department, stating that he thought that <br />at least trio or three more squad cars should be provided fo.r. the <br />sheriff and another girl a.t the central office to take care of <br />ca7.7.s. He revieT,ved the matter of>~e finances i.ndicating• <br />that most villages are hard--pressed to obtain the necessary funds <br />for providing hig;a-grade police service, As to t!~e sheriff's <br />patrols, it was pointed. out that on7.y one squad car. i.s on dut}* <br />East of Rice Street in la.msey County and one ?+1est of Rice Street <br />at any given tune. The sheriff then read a letter v;h.ich ha.d. been <br />~~rri.tten by Mr. Robert Flynn, Assistant Ramsey County Att,o:rne,y, <br />T.r.> Flynn has conta.eted a:17. of t!~e state reprar>enta.tives and state <br />senatara of Ramsey County and has informrd. then that something <br />must be done in the 1956 session of the B?innesota Legislature to <br />strengthen the policing services in Ramsey County. This letter <br />went on to point out that all arrests shou7_d be heard i.n municipal <br />or district courts in the courthouse in St. Pa.u7_ and that this <br />should be done because the police and the ,Jud.ges in small villages <br />
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