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02-17-54 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-17-54 Council Special Minutes
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Special Meeting -~ Februa.ry 17, 1954 <br />know the residents too well a.nd oftc,n under pressure of <br />this close a.cqu.aintance ~,~hich tends to int<;rfere taittx proper <br /> of la.w, The sherif.':F urged that a17_ of the vil- <br />lages assist and cooperate in urging legislato.r•s to adopt the <br />necessary ]_egislation to unify.a.nd centralize the Liolice <br />ity in the sheriff°s office for the z~rhole county. <br />At this point Nir•. Nadeau, C7_erlr of the V111age, asked <br />the sheriff if tyre sheriff tlxought it advisable for the Village <br />of Little Canada to appoint its constables as police officers <br />since Mr, Gibbons, in his opening remarks, .had emphatically <br />pointed out that it oaas the duty of the vii.lage to provide its <br />own police protection. The sheriff' replied to this question <br />stating that he did.. not care to commit himse7_f or make any recom- <br />mendation s7.nce that z1~as oaho7_ly a matter of px^e.roge.tive of the <br />Vi1.:Lage Counci7_, Again the sherlfP repeated h7.s desire to assist <br />the Village but pointed out that such assistance is necessa.rS.7_y <br />7_imite;d becauF;e of shortage of manpower. Shortly thereafter the <br />sheriff terminated his rerna.rrs and. thanked the Council for an <br />opportunity to state his position. I-Ie titras then excused and left <br />the meet7.n.g aftfa.r having been thanked by the k9ayor for taking <br />time to attend. <br />Sefare the >heriff actually 7_eft the rneeting~ ha11, <br />mayor. P:`elancon presentecl T,o hirn a painting by !,ra.llace Drake, <br />Justice of Peace, dep9.cted. ~, scene of the city under atomic <br />bomb raid.. The mayor exp:l.,a.ined that this picture wa.s intended to <br />assist in civi7.lan defense ~.~~orlc and. that the sheriff should. u;>e <br />the p7.cture to wha.tcver good a.c7.vanta(;P he could. for civilian de- <br />fense. . <br />After Sheriff Gihbons' departure the Counci.7. carried on <br />a prolonged discus<,3_on pertaining i;o police protection. The two <br />constables, Pau7_ Ho7.mstrom a.nd David Fratta7_one, volunteered to <br />protect tYxe v7.11ape as police officers at no cost to the vii.l.age <br />for the present tune if tl~e Cv!xnci.7. so desired. Myers <br />wa.s also present. N_r. Fratta].one had formerly been a constable <br />of the Tovm of New Canada and 'pad. been appoini;ed police officer <br />as r~re11, He pointed out that he had the benefit of several years <br />of policing a.nd tray eq,ui.pped. with uniform a.nd. other materials per- <br />tainirrg to police work a.nd that he, too, would be happy to serve <br />as a, officer with nv stipula.ted cornpensai;ion a.t the present <br />tune. <br />After these offers vrere made by the consta.b:Les and the <br />former toz~m policy off).cer, it was pointed out that it is virtually <br />irr;oossible to make any arrangements presently for paying police <br />officers since the village funds are very loY~r. <br />Upon n;otian by Vitaae, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"RESOLVED, That n.'r, David. Frattal.ane, Mr, Pau7_ <br />Holmstrorl and. Mr, h' Fra.ttalone be and are here- <br />by a.ppo9.nted. police officers of the Village of L~itt7_e <br />Canada without evmpensat.ion to do general police <br />duty." <br />_ ;? <br />
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