1'iINU`Z'ES ON' `Piik~' r;E~,TTN(;
<br />GF `PliE VTLLf1~ P C0~71\CTL Oi= THE
<br />7F 4k ~~ i~ ,fi
<br />The re~uL~r seating of tine Council. of the Vill~~.ge of t,it-
<br />t1e Can2.da lass ho7_d. at the Little Canada l+i.re 0tation on Tuesday,
<br />A~arch `?, :1.954 at '7,30 P.1~,;,
<br />The roll being called, the toll..ooaing members of the Coun-
<br />cil were p:r~eeent:
<br />Lou.'rq Y,J< Dielanccn, Mayor; Roy I'> Nrad~ea.u,
<br />C1er1v; Carl Spooner, Jol~,n N,. Vitale, Truetees>
<br />llldt•Jard R. Loeffler, Trustee, wt~s _bsent.
<br />As soon as the roll rti~as ca]_1ed the mayor announced that ;4r.
<br />H. :D> Van iCrevc:len, ,Assi_st,a.nt 1Sn~;ineer of the 1~1.nnteost S~Late Hlghwa.y
<br />Lez>ac'tr.u:nt, w=,.s present Po,r the pur;x>se ~of submitting to the Council
<br />the prel9.rninr,.ry layout plans fore the rrew Highroaay -~`].0 whi.ch will run
<br />Atorth and South throuilr the village. The mayor' r~uggested t,ha:.t since
<br />i~?~'. Van Y:revel.en t-ac:s an~cious to 2.tten.d another meeting at s'ahtomedl,,
<br />that tine read.in.g of minutes be, temporarily postponed until. Mr. `Jan
<br />Rrev~len~ s busl.ness va?~s concluded. There v!ere no ob,jeci;ionv= so r;r.
<br />Van ltrevelen presented the purpo>e .of his presence. ;3:e prrduce<~ a
<br />v~>ry 7 v,r~;e map shora2nf~; tk!.e locat3_on of° the pro,oosed neU~ Hi~h~~~i3.q -//~10,
<br />P.ftcr considerable d.iacu.ssion arAd after a numlaF~r of the citizens pre~-
<br />eent cat tine me<;tl.rrg~ hard a.n opportunity ~to l.oo& at the map and. ash. c_iues-
<br />tions about it, th.e Council took under considera.tior, the p.rol:~osed reso-
<br />1u.tion tmhich had bc;en prept~r, ed by the CIigl~r~,~ay DepGr°tr,,ent and t,,ttra,ched
<br />to the map. Upon ruotion by Vitale, seconded by Spooner, it wa.s
<br />°RLSOL:71~~'D, that Lire resolution as _propa.?°ed
<br />by the State iti~;h?aay Del~>a:rtment he and is l.ere-
<br />by adopted ~snd. a cox;y then. eof hereby inserted.
<br />irr fire mi.nu.tes of this rneetini;~."
<br />Ayes - 4 Ara.ys -- 0
<br />The resolution was ado~,ted.
<br />Tt yr€a_s the understanding of the Council as advised lay t;he
<br />vill.c.~;e attorney i;hat th.e puestion of tPre nature or type of intersec~
<br />t9.on to be cons'~sructed at the into>rsect3.on o:C L1ttl.e Canada Road and
<br />~Tightra.y a,`a1.0 and also tP?o interseotion oP C1ark Street, nova lcno*~m as
<br />Dernont Street, a.nd. the said. Hig~h~„gay %~10 could be co!asidered fu.rthor
<br />and that the Council could. m<•ke regi,ie.sts to the H'ighwa.y "Department
<br />for iracle separations ].f th<=!t cans c~eerned adv3.sable a.rrd that. the ador,-
<br />t7-on cf the r: oregoing r evolution did not ~Nrev'ent or preclude the
<br />vil.lu~t~°e frond making such r=e~uests. Tn ot~~cer words, the villa-ge at-
<br />torney advised the Counc9.1 thrat the adoption of the general 1a.5~ou~t
<br />la an d1c'1 not rneen that the Cournc9.1 C~*~+.s binding itself t,o any partiou--
<br />1ar ty~~e of c:r;;r:sin~; canetruction at inter. sections that ar. e i.mpo'rt;ant
<br />