Regular Meeting - "arch 2, 1954
<br />to tale future i7eve:Loj:»ent a.nd. conduct o:F th,e ~T:L"J.].a~e. Tr;e v9.llage
<br />attorney o)as informally ~nstrtzc,ted to communi-cafe. vc9.t,I1 the Strafe
<br />Hi.gylraa.y I?ep8.rtment and a.dvisc thrt.t d.e~par^1,ment to tr..e effect that
<br />in apps°ovl ng the general layout p18.n the vi lla~e s~ras not 1a)a.:i.V 1n
<br />it6 right to consider the problrrn of intersection corlstructJ.on.
<br />`she mi.nutr:•6 Of' the Februaz'y rnaeti.ngs c4ei'e :rea.d and
<br />ti:Cl'~' be:Ln~; no ob~ecti ons, r~~ere app)aoved.
<br />`"'he clerk r°e,~.d. a 'tettr~~r. from rJ;,, r"ernmer tzd.vi6in~3~ the Coun--
<br />C13 U.'j_tl"i re-f'el"et1Ce t0 1;he Va(;at3.Cn of rty+r?n%;; .sit1 ~': a].l ey `; G:':?.thin
<br />thr: v:i.]..1...~(-:. Hi6 1.ett,c;r .rer,ited a Sec'cion of the I(innesOta Si:a.tutea
<br />tinfzt ?.)rovic' iil e!'fect for vacation ,; be ma.!;e by tl~:e Counci_]. upon
<br />netit.l.ot of a. ma~ori.ty Of rile aff.~cted property oc:~ners pur6us:.nt
<br />tc a bearing a.ft~;:r i;l.~,o weeks not9.ce.
<br />Mayor A'.~elancon Lttroduced i'xr. ~~;rlil.liam S! ove1.]., State
<br />T3epi'e;entative of 'Lne ?:l~;t "Log'i:,l~tive Lirtrict, n,,ho wa.s ~cresent
<br />e.t t!_e mac''°.~~~. xhe ~r;ayor intrite8. Repre~~ntai;ive Shove]_1 to make
<br />cornrnents 1.f he wisklcsd. to do so. Irir. S!lnve:l.1 rongratu]_a'ted the
<br />Vil1~,Ee Council upon .Lts 'rh,ork and. e;;.pressed t'a1.13i_ngnes;: to co-
<br />cy~eratc. in c;vri',r rra,y that he eo!z1d for the br~nafit arcl of
<br />1,1.I;t1r.. C:ana.da. IIe explained the c~xis;tenr~e of a. ta.faeey County fte.-
<br />`careJr Committee co:npo>eci of` a]. )_ of tt?c Ramsey County a.e~lislators
<br />Of m'hich Senator Sieg'e1 i_s Chs_irrna,n. Iie adeised 't.he Council anci.
<br />thotae present ttl~rt i.f a.ny l.ato h~ra.nt3.n~ pos~n~~re fro '.'~a O~rir of Ct.,
<br />Pau'. to annex a.c,.~)cinin~; territory .s int-r.od.uceci in file next session
<br />of the Leli.slatu'rc, Chet he w0u1.d insist ur)ort such an act provir~ing
<br />fo:r a rcferen<~um vote of the peor>]_e in ?;he area of°eeted. At the
<br />conclusion of riAl°. `>hove].lc s remark,, ti;ae t~nayor thanked Ili!n and Asr.
<br />ShOVe].l a,;i~ira r~xtended klis best ,~ieh)es and. con,xra.tu7_ations to t:'le
<br />Ifi c%y Jr, l:hC: ~;:n~i. th(-'. !,`; i.e `.)f t~(1B Yr 5. .1__i_a{2, C'.
<br />iri8.g~or ;arel.nncon ad.v3.6ec1 the Co!Ynei.1 that A4:f'. H]_ Rurnl;:e had
<br />callr,d Y).irn the prevLous week com~pla:tning that sotto? per; ot~~s 11rerP,
<br />ira:i.ning L' from <zutocnoa7.e::> pc; .r.!=.:ed on i~Il°. iumlze's p:r•operty
<br />a.d~<Y~+e?t to ItO;'!?. Ile 8.360 „trite!. that ti?e ^izr"e CU':f>laint
<br />krad conic, horn the publ:Lc school ratat:Lnsnr~ that dur^inL~~ the course of
<br />an evening t:).catri.ct.l pr0~ratn, car;; I>arl;:ed in tPle aclool pa.rlting
<br />aree ha. d. been p:i.lfered. The constab'Les ca.ho Y,rerc-, j;rertent at tYrc
<br />meeting were a~dvi.6ed thza-i *,r±zile they ob:Li~ed to render r~ol3.ce
<br />service9 the te)°!,Y °police servi-ee° c9.oe6 n.'>t ine:i.ude c~,a c,' :ran ser-
<br />,.
<br />V1CC:. In r
<br />~,t ,e etJe°(Is, if ary group or or~anr•,a.tion ;li~hes to E"
<br />psrrkln a.tefY; or !aarhing; lots tvatc_led, iL 16 L'Itei:r Oblit~zt:Lon to
<br />nirea someone fOr that .raurpose. Cn the othar !"band, i.:f a ~1art ciala-
<br />t.'t. r:11 OCCUr E"; F3^G. `ht? T>J ]_1.CC; Of .l: 'J. G'(.'r :) :>f thf; V'J. ~~-].?. €r (? i~rC' Ci~..LIC; (iJ '1.t
<br />i6 tl~leir duty to respond to such ca l1.
<br />i~,ayor ilelancon a.s}ced. if any "person present hed any .re-
<br />m8_rk_s or. i°e~ue;sts t0 rnakc of the Counr,9.1.
<br />Fire Chief P~a:rcel (,"agne 1nvil,ed tJ"le rna.,pOr and the Courl-
<br />ci.'1 to attend th.e Capital City Re~•:Lona1 I~'.ii°emenc s grouj:> meetinL~
<br />~,
<br />