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Special Meeting - ril 21, 1954 <br />is instructed to file a copy of this reso- <br />lution with the Register of Deeds and.t~rith <br />the County Auditor." <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 <br />The resolution t~ras a.dopted., <br />The village clerk read a letter from the village engin- <br />eer in which the engineer designated the points at tathich street <br />signs ar.e needed. Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Loeffler, <br />it o~as <br />"RESOLVED, That the vi7.lage clerk be <br />and is hereby directed to order from th.e <br />county board and county engineer th.e neces- <br />sary street signs to be erected. at the <br />places designated by the villa~;~e engineer." <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - C <br />The resolution was adopted, <br />The building inspector. and the vi.l.lage engineer stated <br />to the Council that a. proposed neat building code wi11 be ready for <br />submission to the Council a.t the next regular meeting of the Coun- <br />cil. on l~tiay 4th, but that in the meantime there was some danger <br />that requests for building permits might be made under the existing <br />building code which permits construction of a home on a site con- <br />taining only 4,800 square feet. The building inspeetor suggested <br />that the Council take some action at once authorizing him to tmith- <br />hold the issuance of permits for such smaller sites between novr and <br />the time the new code is adopted, since the neor code w111 provide <br />for a minimum building site of 10,000 square feet, <br />Upon motion by Nadeau, sscond:ed by Loeffler, it rotas <br />"RESOLVED, That thE; Huil.ding In Spector <br />be and is hereby instructed to withhold. the <br />issuance of any building permit for any <br />dwellln~; house on a building site in <br />area than ten thousand. square feet (10,000 <br />aq. ft.) and/or less than an average width <br />of seventy-five feet ("75 ft. ) until fax°ther <br />instructions from the Courrcil, and that a <br />copy of this resolution be forthtirith mailed <br />to th.e Bui.l.ding Snspector." <br />Ayes -- 4 Nays _ 0 <br />The resolution was adopted, <br />Trir. Carley then invited the Cou.nci)_ to set a date cl,hen h.e <br />could take the entire Council on a tour of all village roads so that <br />they would become pcrsonal7.y familiar with the conditions of a11. <br />streets and. roads orithi.n the vi1la~;e> The Council members were in <br />- 3 - <br />