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05-04-54 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-04-54 Council Minutes
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M~INUTFS G~' THE MF~ETING <br />UP THE VSLi~I1GE COt1NCIL Oi THE <br />VIhLACE C'?F" LITTLE CANAi)A <br />ar „ ar ar ,c• 3r as <br />The regular rneeting o,: the Council of the Vi11a.g•e of Lit- <br />tle Canada was held at the Little Canada )+ire Station on Tuesday, <br />May 4, 1954 at '7,30 T'.M. <br />The ro"11 being called by the Cleric, all members vrere re- <br />ported present. <br />Nrinutes of tYze regular meeting of April 6, 1954 and the <br />special meeting of April ?1, 1954 were al'~proved as read.. <br />Nir. l~. Trettcr, v. representative of th.e Northern St;a.tes <br />PoSn~er Company, informed th.e Counci_1 that he t,~ished to present a <br />cornplete contract for tkie Village Council to approve. This cortract <br />aui;horizes tiae village to deal direct with the ATOrthern States Por~~er <br />Company for street lighting wi%hin the Village. Pursuant to this <br />contract the Vi1' would male an average saving of ~~6.00 per light <br />per year in comparison with. the charges novr being made through the <br />city. Some questions were asked. and P!r. Ta°enter explained the con- <br />tr~=ct a.nd. answe:rec7 the questions put to him. <br />iTpon ;notion of Na.dea.u, eeconded. b,y Spooner, it was <br />~~RESUL~VED, That the Vi1l.age of Little Canada <br />enter into a. contract vaith the Northern States <br />Power Company for furnishing street lights and <br />any other servi.oe required. to the and. <br />the Mayor and C1.erk. are authorized and directed <br />to execute the necessa:cy agreement with the said <br />company, and. further, that tkae Clerk natify the <br />County .Engineer's office of this.° <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />The resolution was adopted. <br />Mr. ;5. J. Loftsgaa.rden, attorney, presented hirnsel.f before <br />the Council. stating that .he .reg>resenns a group of people residing <br />in the Vi7.1a€;e of Poseville ad,ja.cent to H:tae Street immeciiate7.y Na.rth <br />of South Uz~rasso i3oulevard. p.4r. Loftsgaa.rden praceeded to congratu-- <br />lats the Council a.nd the Village of Lint7.e Canada and then said that <br />the clients for wY,om he vaa.s spca.lcing numbered approximately fifty. <br />These people vaere present and vrere ask^d to stand which they did. tRr. <br />Loftsgaarti.en et,ated that these people were unanimously opposed to the <br />present zoning on the Ea.>t side of Rice Street in th.e Village of Lit- <br />tle Can~~.da. since that zoning now permits industrial a.nd commercial <br />development. Fie stated that the tovan baard. had no right to rezone <br />that particular piece of land for 3.ndustri.a]_ use, He t,*ent on a.nd <br />asked that the Council of th.e Village nova tevals'.e the building permits <br />which r~!ere alrea.d.y granted since, in his opiniora, tkae rezoning was <br />
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