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05-04-54 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-04-54 Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting - MAy 4, 1954 <br />illegal and fo.r tkrat reason sut;h permits never should h^ve been <br />granted in the first place. After' considerable di>cussi.on and a <br />7.engthy presentation of his arguments, the Counci]. asked Pdr. Mernmer, <br />the vi]_1ag~e attorney, t~=krat his ouinion ?:ras in respect to Mr. Lofts-- <br />gaarden's request. Mr. Mernmer advised the Council trot to revoke any <br />permltc; since the Council did not do the rezoning rind. unti]_ some corr!-• <br />petent court of ]_aw ruled otherwise, the Council r~=as ,~ustifiod in <br />ar,surninf; trra.t th.e a.etion o:C the totJn board. in rezoning the land in <br />question wa.s prover. Mr. Memmer t~rent on to advise that a committee <br />be appointed. from the groulz rahi.e.h Mr, Loftsga.ard.en represents and <br />that this committee, together frith btr, I/emrner and. any other members <br />of the Council who t~rished to participate, confer t•rith the onaners of <br />the property who are developing it for commercial uses to see t~rhat <br />could be done so as to make certain that L'he fears of these peon7.e <br />would not actually materia7.ize. During the course of the argument <br />a number of things taer.•e given as reasons for tl.,e protest, the first <br />one being that the deve7.opments presently planned, rrarnely a lumber <br />yard a.rrd 2. trailer court, wou]..d. substantially reduce the property <br />va]_ues of these people. <br />Upon motion by Nadeau, seconded by Vitale, it t;=as <br />"RESOLVED, That the request of <br />the a.d,joining municipality of Rosev <br />b,y Mr. Loftsga.arden, be referred to <br />vil`la.~~e attorney, for• study and for <br />the land ot~,:ners." <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />The resolution ta<7s adox>ted. <br />the citizens of <br />1.11e, represented <br />Mr. Memmer, the <br />conference <br />t~!ir. p. J. Reed, resid.S_nl; a.t 735 ]s. County 13oad B?, inform- <br />ed the Council that he t~=as pr. went fo.r the purpose of requesting the <br />Council to adopt o resolution opposing: the ,jet plane a9..rport develop- <br />ment at Anolca.. He felt that th.e people in Little Canada. would be <br />affected expla.ining that the planes t~,rou7.d. constantly be over <br />the ~,ril.lage. lIe suggested the Council. study the; matter. and <br />1.t immedia.te Th.e Mayor th.arrked Mr, "fteecl and. told him <br />that the Council taould talre the matter under advisement, <br />Dlr°, and. Mrs. Eugeno Auge of 65 4~1. Flower Street asked th.e <br />Council t~aha.t te=as being done, i.f anythinl_-, about the control of dogs. <br />Mrs. Auge stated that a stray dog ha.d entered upon thelx°~property <br />a.nd killed ten laying• hens. The commented- that undoubi;wily a. <br />clog ord.ina.nce should ize adopted in th.e tli]_lal>,e and_ that a nurnbe.r of <br />people, including school authorities and others, have been requesting <br />such a. move. No other comment was made. <br />Mr. John Garske of 95 Valley Street, S%. Paul, requested. <br />the to authorize tkze building inspector to issue a building <br />permit for a gaxage i.n which he planned. to 'live temporarily. FIe <br />gave the -proposed. location of this structure as A?o.rth of Labo:ce Road <br />on t+!hat ~nroald be Payno Avenue but at present is not grated. <br />P;r., th.e; inspector, explained that he had denied a <br />permit becau>e the Clerk had served him tvit.,h a. notice of the fact that <br /> <br />
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