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05-04-54 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-04-54 Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting - ?' v 48 1954 <br />the Council h~,d a.dopted. street constructionregul<?tions and a reso- <br />lution providing that no building nex°mit could. be issued until the <br />strec;t or road. is completed pursuant to re~,ulati.ons and accepted far <br />maintenance by the Council. Mr. Garske rra.s given a copy of thes° <br />regulations a.nd asked to study it so he ?-aoulc. Iznow how to 'proceed <br />to get; the street graded and opened, <br />Mayor 2sie7_a.ncon informed the Counci7_ that; he appointed Mr.. <br />b:ik.e Stszeynske of ?791. Centervil.7.e Road as weed inspector of th.e <br />village ant. inst'ru.ct'ed the clerk to notify T~,r. Stez.eynsk.e <br />by letter and to note tkie appointment in the minutes. <br />The Qayor announced that the next order of business wa.s <br />the appointment of a. Board. of iTea7.1;h pursuant to the ordinance re- <br />cently adopted. Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Loeffler, it <br />was <br />°RLSOTVli1), That tt~ie Board of for Little <br />Canada consist of Dr. ~.~. ?~d. Ostergren of "764 La.bore <br />Road as health officer and chairman of tJ~e board, <br />anti Mr. C7.ernent Bougie of 2874 1\iadea.u Road, St. Paul <br />6, and T~omer C. Hector of 6"?:9::E. County Road B2, St. <br />Paul, as tl~ze lay members of the board, and that th© <br />c,lerli send. an official letter of notification of a.p-- <br />pointment to each of tllern." <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />Thcs resolution z~as adopted. <br />The clerk read a letter' from th.e Teague o:f Municipalities <br />informin€; the village of the ratcys for membership anti. ra.lso inviting <br />the village to par ticipa.te in the state convention tiahich t-ril_1 be <br />J~e1d in Moorhead this summer. Th.e letter wa;; received and filed <br />for future reference, <br />The clerk read a letter from the County Auditor informing <br />the Council i;hat it is necessary to epecif'y the voting precincts of <br />the Village. I7pon motion of Nadeau, seconded by Loeffler, it wa.s <br />"i3ES0'LGE;~, That the Vi7.lage of Tittle Canada <br />sh,l:l constitute a sinf>,le eJ.ecti.on district rs~lth <br />one polling place and that the polling place be <br />7.ocated at tl.te L:i.ttle Canada Elementary School and <br />that the c7_erk notify botYz the County Auditor and <br />the Superintendent of School bistri.ct ;'!}3 by letter <br />o:P this resolution." <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - (7 <br />Tyre rc;sol.u~tion was adopted. <br />The clerk again ca7_led the attention of the mayor anti the <br />rest of the Council to tl~xe fact that settlement has not yet: been. made <br />-- 3 - <br />
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