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NiINUTES OF' THI; MEETING <br />OF TIiF..; VILLAGI?~ COUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF LITTLE CANADA <br />The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Lit- <br />tle Canada was held at the Little Canada Fire Station on Tuesday, <br />November 9, 195~~ at 7:30 P.M. pursuant to notice. The following <br />Council members were present: <br />Louis ln~. Melancon, Mayor; Roy P. Nadeau, Clerk; <br />Edward R. Loeffler., Carl Spooner, John Ni. Vita7_e, <br />Trustees. <br />Also present were Oscar Londin, 1uilding Inspector, and Fred P. Mem- <br />mer, Village Attorney. <br />Minutes of th.e regular meeting held in October were ap- <br />proved as re<^^>d. <br />Mr. I4ilton Price, attorney representing; the Continental <br />Baking Company, was present and. he advised the Council fully of <br />the plans of his client to a combination garage and re- <br />tail bakery store on the Northeast corner of Rice Street and. Flower <br />Street. Ile showed drawings and pictures and explained that tho <br />building 'to be constructed would be approximately 100 x 6~ feet. <br />Mrs. Karp, who resides directly :East of this property, stated that <br />she was present at the meeting for the purpose of finding; out what <br />was goint; to be dons with the property mentioned. Aftc;r consider- <br />able discussion and assurances by Nr. Prise that the building would <br />be so placed on the property as to minimize any objections the <br />Karps may have, it appeared that Nirs. Karp would present no formal <br />objection 'to the Council. Discussion. of the zoning laws revealed <br />that it would. not be necessary to rezone any property since this <br />corner had been zoned for business use in September, 190. The <br />Council indicated that it no objections and P'ir. Price was in- <br />structed to take up fort.her proceedings with the building inspector. <br />1'ur.suant to notice of hearing, Mr. Douglass, attorney for <br />Mr. James L,ebens of 71 L''. County Road 13, presented a petition to <br />rezone Lots 23 anal 21l_ of Eisenmenger's Addition from Farm. Residence <br />to Business. `.[7xe proposed business use was to construct a <br />park. A number of c2tizens voiced objections to this use and after <br />considerable discussion the hearing was brought to a close. Mr. <br />Douglass requested that the Council continue the matter until a <br />7.a ter date for it appeared that the members of the Council were not <br />inclined to approve the rezoning. Upon motion. of Nadeau, secondrd <br />bSr Loe.f'fler, it was <br />~~R?.SOLVL;D, that; the matter. be indefinitely <br />postponed for further study and that Mr. Douglass <br />be .noti_fied when the Council was ready 'to hear <br />the matter again.' <br />Aye s .- j Drays _ p <br />'7'.he resolution was adopted. <br />