h'i7.J\U':P:!:?S UT' '1'tL~ NJ`i?137'11\G
<br />CIr' 'air ~~ t7 CLLA(4E:; COONCIT~ Ol+, 'I'11:a
<br />V11:,I~A.;31 OP LI`:I".PJ:,J?i CAIQA:DA
<br />`.P.he recrula.r meeting o:P 'the Coul2cil of 'bhe village of Lit-
<br />tle Canada eras; held. ab tJ:~.e .t:,it;tle; Canada ?Fire L~tation an `.L'uesday,
<br />December l.).~., 19yLJ. at 7:30 ~ .l~J. pursuant ~f;o not;ice. 9.'he following;
<br />t;ouncil m<:mY~ers ~~e.re present:
<br />Louis i;~, j"'e].ancon, P7a.yor. ; J3oy 1', ]i?suLeau, Cle:eit:;
<br />3dwr.rd ,. l,ocf'i':Le.r., Carl SJ:>ooner, John I-_. Vitale,
<br />'L'ru;teos.
<br />Alto pre;~ent were Osc;a.r l~ondi.n, ~ui.ld:i_ng Inapoctor, ~. C, ,7"ohnson,
<br />Eilectr.icaa_ 7.n;~.pector, and 1~':red P, ilJ:emmer, U:111a~r,e /1ttorney.
<br />A'iirnates o:' i,!io i\lovembe.r re,rular meeti.n~; hn;.r•e airproved as
<br />goad.
<br />avAre J°i. ')'1'P.ttE:r o"I`.' DOrthern i5'tatt;u .i~OLJ('r ~;OY77pa.n/' L~aB pre-
<br />soni'; and outlined to bhe Council to:r.e plans of h:is company for `c.n-
<br />stallirlF natural gas w:i.th:in villa~z;e l:Lmi.ts. Jae saiCi th.e compa.nSY is
<br />read ;r to pipe n;ag th..roul>,h 1;`he entire vi.llarro. I,'e st,ai,ed that 'bl'ae
<br />plans are to allow for~by~foot of -pipe onto tJ.2c p:operty of eac.Yi con-
<br />sumer without cost i:o ~ta:ze consumer but that lonE;cr distances would
<br />have i;o bo j~aid for by t,Lce user. i~ae presented a form of ;pr.oporaed
<br />ordinance ~-ahicJ.2 includes speca.fi_catio.ns cis i;o quality of gas, an,ree-
<br />rlent ;>v ~l;he company P;o put all si;reets in i;J2e corui:ition in wa2ic21
<br />they wer. e wound and do a, number oP oi..h-er th.inr?;s in o:~~der to obtain
<br />a Prar.2chise 'Lo o;pcl°a.te in i,he vi.llag~e. Jay mutual consent tkxe Cou.n-
<br />ci.7. agreed to soi, t:n:is rnratter over for ta~.irty da,~rs so that l;:rxe a.p-
<br />pl:l.catio.n anal t.hc ~propos;ed ordi.nan.^.e could bo considered and studied
<br />by 1;he vi.l.lag;e attorxr.oV~ and a report made at t~h.e Jan.ur~.ry nleotang.
<br />Sil°. V~uceirt T, OrConnor, ai,tornoq at law, anpc;,red bei'ore
<br />th.e Council and t i;ed IYlat he .repr.esen'ts bhe J'a.rnes lnvo~tment Com-
<br />pany to}~.o have pu,rc;:lased 1a12d in ~i;1~.e platted as>ea known as llaws on ~ s
<br />~~uaa~urban Acre Jots. Iie requested t1~.s~.t steps be taiten. by ~l;he Council
<br />~bo vacate ail old platl:ed road wh.icJ.~. no lonLrer exists in fact a>u.'t
<br />t-aa.s known as :Git'tl.e Crtnada itoad..
<br />Upon. mo~t:i_on by IV'adeau, seconded by ~;pooner, :i.t was
<br />";iJs;UL,Ui?D, `':nai; the villa~>;e attorney sho~~ld
<br />pr.c;p~u~e tl:r.e necessary procedures anal papc;rs for
<br />vaca~b:i.ng this street;."
<br />Ayes -j' 1Vays - 0
<br />'TYle resoJ.ut:Lon. roans adot.>~ted,
<br /> riTr. a3en, i,ee J:>resented hilns~o7_:f before i,ho Cow.~cil al~d :;ta
<br />tod
<br />t'nal hc~
<br />~ nau a petltio~2 uy nc.i<12bors end act7acenl; property ow nors .
<br />ap-
<br />prov Ln,
<br />; n:i _ requc ~;t and plans to r,s~l~ .h.l_isL.~. a pl:cbl.ic dump o.n h~ s land.
<br />