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ire„u.:Lar rnec;t:i_nn, - i~overabc;r J.,!;., :L~!~IJ- <br />J~tit=. hiclt ~Demoilt, one^. of the adjoi.nino land otmers, said th<t he would <br />2i.avc no object:Lon to tYie dump for ordinary rubbish but iP it were to <br />be used as a tt;arba3o d~unp he wanted to onl;er his objectt.on t:o the <br />Council., 7~r. I3o~y ?a:ikon, anoc,k.~er owner in tl')e nc.i_ghbor.J ood, <br />voiced rho saute objc;e,tion curd stated t;:irat h.e, too, would nat oppose <br />trite use of the-; pro},>e.r. t,y Por. a dumpi.nm rabbi;;h, <br />Upon mot:Lon by P~adeau, :>e;conded by Vi ,ale, it was <br />"RSS0:GV1;:t), '.i'k~.ab I>c:n. pee temporar:i.l.y be ~;rant;ed <br />permission t:o oltorate a rubbish dump on proper- <br />ty in the vi.cir't:ity o:P h'J.ower ~'treet and the Soo <br />J:,in.e tracks providin.t; th.a.t rate dtunp will. 'r.'~e back- <br />fiJ__lc;d wit;Jr. diri, ctrtd that n.o an.:i.r'nal or ve~etab:Le <br />nta~tte-r be disposed oi' on t}'re premises; also with <br />t::Pie understand:ir>i; ~tha.~t i.:P and when tho <br /> an..~; ordinance rraui:ring li.cen.sinm or <br />rost;; Tor a. dump, that fir, Lee; <br />wi:J_1 be required to comply with ordinance.° <br />~?,ycs - j NaS~s - 0 <br />T}:ae resolution. t~a~as adopted. <br />':1'_tte Clet°t: road a l.e~btet° lrotn harry l~3ronson., County Ln.~;ineer, <br />to the ea'ect ~t;liat taco county could. noi; sell bltlekt-op or o~th.e.r roaad <br />mai;erials 'to the v5_J_la~;e but ~thtat he could t°urnish if the <br />road worts was done vaith county enf;:l.reer~s labor. <br />Upon motion by Spoonor, secon.dod by 1vad.oau, it was <br />"JUF.Oi;Vslll, 'i'lLat t}ais ntrtte'r. be rererred 'to <br />the vs.J-la{;e attorney with. irtatructions to coope.r.- <br />ate w`i.iL; late J3oard of }iamsey Count,q'rs <br />atxl wa.'l;h other in th.e county in ob- <br />taininn :Le~;i.:;7_ation the__t wS.l_J. permit 1;}rte cotznt'Y <br />to i' m~ater.i.aJ.s t;o 'the ntun_icipa:Lit;y,n <br />/tyes - ~ Nays - 0 <br />'l'ire :cesoJ_ution was ado;oted. <br />The: C7.ork read a J.ciae:r from ~tiae Ramsey Cow.2ty wand Com- <br />mi_ssione'~°, 1`~Ar. ~rorris }:ialvorsort, reoues I,inu that: certain bax dolia2- <br />c7.uent p.ropecby Joca.ted. un..dor t}?e water. oL Savago hake bo cla- i.:Cied. <br />a. noneonscrv~a'tio.n J_and in. accordanco with st;a~tutory r.oquiromeni;s <br />perbaain9.n,:; the rei;o. <br />Upon motion by ~rpoonc;r, seconded by Vitale, t}ie lo~.J.:Lot~ain.~; <br />reso .ut:i.on was ado~ptod: <br />u,,' i,tt?SllS, l;):x~ 13oa:rd oP O~ounty Comml<<sio).ZOrs of <br />Ramse~~ County by resvlu'riac~. dr;.ted October ]1, 1~5t-I_, <br />c1a.s:i.P:ied. as n.onco.nse.raa.ti.on J_and a ec;rta:in parcel <br />l.yi.ntr Tea:ith.:ita rho ViJ..lao o:f' hitt:le Canada; and <br />,, <br />- ~_ - <br />