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Re,yular 11Qeeting - May 3, 1955 <br />Mr. George T< Klein, 53 - 7th Ilvenue N.F,., IVort.h St, Paui, <br />was introduced to the Council by Uscar Londin, the Building Inspec- <br />tor, with the suggestion that 4~Ir. Klein be considered for appoint- <br />ment to the position of Gas Inspector for the Village. Mr, Londin <br />pointed out that gas installation within the village has been com- <br />menced and lines have been laid by the Northern States Power Com•.. <br />pang' so that it is imperative, that we appoint a gas inspector with- <br />out delay. Upon motion by Vitale, seconded by Loeffler, it was <br />"i;13SOLVEI~, that pursuant to the, recommendation <br />of Oscar Londin, Adr, Creorge 'f, Klein of North St. <br />Paul be and is hereby appointed Gas Inspector for <br />the Village of l.itt7.e Canada and his compensation to <br />be based uporz the same fees as are, set up in the <br />adjoining municipalities of Roseville acid New Can- <br />ada '1'ovanshi.p." <br />1l)res - j Nay's •- 0 <br />The resolution was aciopteci. <br />Rev. A. H. Durand introduced Mt, Bennett, head of the <br />civilian defense organ.iza.tion for this area, 'Chat Nlr. I~en- <br />net.i; would set forth information with refc-;rence to ai.r raid alarm <br />system for this comnnrnity. Mr. Bennett exp7.a.ine.d the details of th.e <br />various types of aP.arm i.nstallatfons anti prices therefor at consid- <br />erable length, When he finished his presentation the Village A.t;tor•- <br />ney vaas insi:r7rct.ed to prepare a >ununary of the information given. by <br />N1r, Bennett to be presented at the next Village Council meeting. <br />IU1r. ,less Charpen.tier, 2170 T3urr Street, stated that he had <br />missed the main part. of th.e special meeting in April when the ques- <br />tiorr of a dog ordinance had been considered. Mr, gave a re- <br />port to the Council of his survey with reference to dogs. The re- <br />port was received by tlxe Council and there was some discussion gera- <br />erally with reference to dogs and dog orciirlane,es, Lt wa.s informally <br />decidr-,d that the question be studied i'urther and that: some provisions <br />be prepared vvh.ich would at least give authority to the officers of <br />the Village to Yrandle. any aggravated situations with reference to <br />stray clogs. <br />The Clerk. read a letter :from i'di7.ner Carley, Village Engi- <br />nc-er, in which A6r> Carle-,y recommen.dec9 changes in the }3uilding Code, <br />IUr® Memmer was instructed to prel.7are the rrecc:ssary amendments to <br />i'.he ordinance and l~rr, Carle;yes letter was received f'ar filing. <br />The Clerk also read a letter from the Chairman of the <br />P~Iounds Vies 'town C3oard explaining certain amendments that they .in.- <br />tend to rrialte to their code. 'Phis letter was received and <br />filed, <br />The Cler}s. read a. letter from! the Kuhlman-•Gervais•rKeller <br />l..ake Improvement Association. criticizing the county government; and <br />the local governments for inadequate policing with reference to t.h.e <br />use of the lakes and the Assai,a.tion as}ced the governing body to make <br />a spec.ia.l. effort to enforce the laws. Phis letter v,~as rer..eived and <br />;? .- <br />