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Regulax• Meeting - March 12, 196£3 <br />MINUTES OF THE MEETING <br />OF 7`BE VILLAGE COUNCIL OP' THE <br />VILLAGE OF L1T1'l,E CANADA <br />~ ~ ~ <br />The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Little Canada was <br />held at the Little Canada Fire Hall on lYednesday, March 12, 1958, at 7:30 I>.M. <br />'Phe following Council members were present: <br />Louis W. Melancon, R9ayor; Roy P> Nadeau, Clerk; <br />Edward Loeffler, Carl Spooner, John M. Vitale, <br />Trustees. <br />Also present. were houis Jespersen, Street Superintendent; Oscar F. Londin, Building <br />Inspector; and Richard Skorczewslci, Beating Inspector, <br />Mr, Richard Jacobsen, 3354 Rice Street, owner of Dick & Mary's 'Pave rn, <br />appeared before the Council. Mr. Jacobsen explained that since he is remodeling <br />his building and would like to obtain a hard liquor license when one is available, <br />that he was requesting at this time, that he be permitted to deposit money with the <br />Village to assure him that tae will get i:he first on-sale liquor license available. <br />Mr. Loeffler raised the question as to whether the village could legally take money <br />i.n tbis mmnner when no license was presently avail.ahle. <br />Upon motion by R9elancon, seconded by Loeffler, it was <br />"RESOLVED, That the Clork be instructed to stzbmi.t this <br />question to the Village Attoz°ney Por the purpose o:P determin- <br />ing whether the Village could accept a deposit for a liquor <br />license which may he, available in the future," <br />Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 <br />The resolution was adopted. <br />Mr. I.,ondin, Inspector, i.ix:Pormed the Council that he had tnade an <br />inspection of t:he premises occupied by the laY:e Mrs. Frances 1'.nochson at 15 13. County <br />IYoad 13. Iie stated that he recommended that condemnation proceedings be instituted <br />immediately so that the building could he removed since i.t is a menace to ptablic <br />safety and to adjoining property values. <br />Upon moi:fon by Loefflex•, seconded by Vii:ale, it was <br />"RESOLVED, Thai; a. hearing be sei: fcr April 9, 19>8 at: <br />8:30 o'clock 1?.M, for t;he purpose of gz•anting~ the owner of <br />the building locatod ai; 16 E. County Road 13. a hearing and <br />an opportunity to show cause why the said premises formerly <br />occupied by 64rs. Frances Enoch son shotald not be demolished; <br />and tlxe Clerlc is instrtacted to notify such person or persons <br />who have sn 7.nterest in the building as t:o tlxe date of hear- <br />ing, and Further, that the t3ui.lding Inspector he and is here- <br />bg, 7.nstruci:ed to posy. a notice of this resolution on t:he bu17.d- <br />ing ii:selt', ` <br />Ayes - 5 Nags - 0 <br />The resoluY;i.on ryas adopted. <br />