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{ r ..• <br />ItIINUTLIS <br />OF T1I1s <br />VI,LL <br />avas <br />9'lxe <br />"( <br />OL' ~J. 13A:, 4iJ+GVI~tl 1{I1:aAi•.l 1:V C) <br />VILT.Ft6E COUNC1h Oi~ TIME <br />'1Gli Ol h1T'rl.E CANAnA <br />~# * ~ <br />The regular meeting- 01 the Counc;ii of 'the Vi).lag'e of Li.'tt).e Catxada, <br />held at the Little Canada Fire Ha 7.7. on Wednesday, January 13, I960 at 7;30 p;.m. <br />rallowing Council hgE:mbers wex•e present: <br />Louis t1'. Ifielancon, Afiayor; Walter P, (`caetien, C).es•k; <br />Caryl Spooner, Edward ).,oefP.ler, and John td,`Vi~tal.e, <br />Trustees. <br />Also present were Oscar 1'< Londin, Bui).ding Inspector, Frederick P, <br />R4etnmer, Vi7.lage Attorxxey and Richard Boss, Treasurer, and L. G. Jespersen, Road Soper- <br />. int:endent. <br />i+r.inutes of tlxe regu).ar meeti~zxl;~ of 17ecembe,r 9, 1.959 mere approved as x•cad. <br />Vir. Ddlan,represent3ng ttxe Village Engineer, presenteda preliminary <br />revie,,v and report conc;erxung 'the plans for Highway *~3G, i:x•om Riee Street to Highway - <br />,`r61, In this report, the Village 1;ng~ineer. sug~geste~d that a preliminary survey as to <br />sewer surveys i.zx l,it:tle Canada be made at this time, so tkxat iP :it is ever ne<;es".s~-r.y ... <br />'to cross ITigkxway N3G with a sewer runmm~g souttxwas•d, this :Fact could be nom <br />determined and the 1i.zxe could be installed during highway cc>nst•ruction a~t a tar <br />lessor erpenso than i.:L we wait until the Highway :iS completed. He a:Lso suggested <br />t]xa1: we stxould contact Roseville now to arrange a contract for san:itax°y sewer service <br />tq lnsslxxess places along Rice Si:rc:et. <br />Upon motion by Vitale, seconded tuy Igz,.fflex°, it was <br />- ~~RESOLVED, that the Vil7.age Engiuesx^ he and i.s hereby <br />instructed to make a petelimi.nary survey of t:he Vi).lage of <br />Little Canada to obtain data relating to the installation <br />oP satxi.tary sewers and tkxatthe Engineer also enter negot- <br /> with the Vi.Ilage of Roseville c~nverning~~the <br /> connection of sewer ) in Itittle Canada to the <br />Roseville System, it being understood that the Village <br />I;ngi.neer ts~i.ll malts this survey for a cost of: approximately <br />X700.00," <br />Ayes - 5 <br />The resolution was adopted, <br />Nays - 0 <br />14r. Vietor Gordon appeared betor^e the Cotmcil and called attention to <br />the fact: ghat Little Canada Road along- t:he North side of St, Jotxn's Church i.s very <br />dark at night,.anci constitutes a hazard to botlx pedestrians and motor traffic, partic- <br />ularly when`the c)zurch has eveni.n{; services. <br />Upon motion by Vita).e, seconded by Loef:tler, it was <br />~~I;I;St7L,VED, that: the Village of Little Canada does Ixe.reby <br />request..the Cotmty of Ramsey i:o install a street: light at a <br />pointnn Little Canada Road Approxi.mate7.y 200 :feet West of the <br />intersection oP Little Canada Road and 144cMenemy Road, and to <br />advise ttxe Cot.mty Board in matting iaei.s request, that the: area is <br />extremely dangerous, particularly in the 1Vinter tame." <br />Ayes _ :i Nays - 0 <br />