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Rc;gular fv2eeting~January_13, 7Y96U <br />II4r, Pat T`asciana, who l.i.ves in the area Nest oP i;he new hi.g~lzway and <br />North of Nadeau Road, canplainkd about tho condition of the access road, running through <br />the Edward Gagexe property, and alon.g~ the ri;rlxt-of-way of the new lzighway. After some <br />discussion, the \rillage Attorney was instructed t,o contact the kliglaway llepartment <br />and insist: upon actioxx being taken promptly to a1lev:tate i:kti.s prob7.em, since it con- <br />s~titvtes a ;;rave hazard dae to the fact that the lire Department would uoC even be <br />able, to make a Flre call, <br />Mr> Joseph Ducharme of Lal3ore Road complained about the condition of <br />'the Koren Garslce property, next door 'to him, lie said that Garslce lcaeps pigs, sheep <br />and goats on tkxe property and that ~CIxe fence is usually broken, so i;hai: these animals <br />usually Conte on to Ducharme°s property, Re also pointed out that: the animals are <br />kept so close to Ducharme°s lxome, that he i.s subjected to highly odors, almost <br />constantly, <br />Upon motion by Vital<:., seconded by Looffler, it was <br />"RESOLVED, Chat the pillage Attorney he and is ]hereby <br />insl;ructed to clxeck all ordinances of the Village and to <br />noC1.:Py Garslce to remove 'Lltc nuisances :tnnnedia~tel.y," <br />Ayes - G Nays - 0 <br />The resolution was adopted^ <br />Mr^ Itotxald F3lanquist advised t:he Council Chat the 131omquist Real Estate <br />Firm has a.rrangsd a lease fora portion o~.P the property at `L768 Rico Street, wixich was <br />:f:ormerly the Aragon Ni£,•ht Club, to a tenant who wi.11 be conducting a business of asSem- <br />Ming plastic prochzcts. <br />Upon motion by Vitale, seconded by, i.t was <br />°RESOLV7iD, tlxa~t: the 'Village Council door hereby deem <br />that ~Che plastics assembly business 'to be. conducted at <br />276is ;txreet: is not necessarily 9.ight manu:f.a¢turing, <br />since it is properly i;o be considered corrnnercial acCi.vity <br />similar to rel;ai.l. businesses, and that the conduct of said <br />business ai; the above mentioned ].oca~tion :is proper," <br />Ayes - 5 Nay s - 0 <br />• The Cleric read a letl;er From the Rose Tribume and soother letaer fxrorn <br />cite Ramsey County lievi.ew, both regxtesting designation. as the Village News- <br />paper. 9'ho Cie°r lc a:Lso read a letter .f.rom Ray Cu'.Lver, 4:hat he be considered :P or <br />the. position o,F Weed Inspector, <br />'rho C:terlc amzouuced i;hat a member o:[' appointments had to he made for <br />~th,<: coming year, <br />Upon motion by, seconded by Vitale, i.i; was <br />"R1,SOhVPU, fh.a~t T'rederl.clc T. Mernrner be and i.s }zcreby <br />appoitxteci Vi_].lage Atrtorney," <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - U <br />