Regu7_az• V(eeting - Janixarg'_,13, 1360
<br />Upon nx,t:ion by !1M1elancon, seconded by V3.tale, ii: ;vas
<br />°RE%SOLVIs7~, i:ha~t Carl Spooner be and is hereby appointed
<br />Acting itilayor.~~
<br />Ayes - 5 IQays ~. 0
<br />Upon rno'tion by Vitale, seconded by hoe;.i'Ter, i~i; was
<br />'~IiY~SOLVI:U, Ti-IAT Tl-1E Ratusc:y Co_inrky Revie~w_ tae and is
<br />hereby dr:si.#;nated as 'Che Village l.cgal. A'cwspape:r for i:lxe
<br />gear 7.960,°
<br />Plyes -~ :i Nays - 0
<br />Upon motion by Loe'i'1<;r, seconded by Vitale, it was
<br />"RESOLVED, that A4. A'a Carley be and is hereby appoa,ni:ed
<br />~~
<br />Vi].lap;e hngineer,
<br />Ayes - :i Nays - 0
<br />Upon motion by Melancon, seconded by Vitale, it was
<br />°Yi1:SOLV43D, i;hai: t;h.e first 8tai:c Bank of Si:, Paul. be
<br />and is hereby designated as depository :C'or Vi7.lag~e funds<~~
<br />Ayes m 5 mays .- 0
<br />Upon motion by Vitale, seconded by Coenon, it was
<br />'~Itl'sSOLVED, T`.~1liT Oscar I~, Londin° be and is heroby
<br />appoi.,rted Building Inspector,'?
<br />l&yds - (`, Nays - 0
<br />Upon nto~Ci.on bq V7.talc, seconded by Coenon, i.i; ;vas
<br />~~Rk;SOLVIiD, thai: Vernon U, ~'lvistensen be and :Cs hereby
<br />appointed Electrical 7:nspector,~~
<br />Ayes •- 5 Nays 0
<br />ilpon motion by Vitale, secon<4ed by Cocnen, :it. was
<br />'h?ESOLVLD, that Richard G. Slcorczewsk:i l:,e anal is hereby
<br />appoin~ed•Hea~t:in.e~ and Gas Inspector.`
<br />Ayes - 5 Nays .- 0
<br />Upon motion by Vi.i~al.e, :;eeonded by Cocnen, i. t. was
<br />°RESOI,VPID, that Loma G. Jespersen be and i.s herebyy
<br />appointed Road Superi.ntendeni.,~,
<br />Ayes - 5 Nay;a - 0
<br />i7pon maf.i.ot3 by L,oef:E'1ex~, seconded by Spooner, i.t was
<br />"RIs`SOL7t1D, that stay Cul.vex,•, he and is hereby appointed
<br />V7eed Inspector."
<br />Ayes - 5 Nays -0
<br />