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RI~:GUT,AR !v[F;lil!P:C,~G Ol.~ LI'i'`1'L1__(1ATdADL1 91LLAGF; UOUI~IC:IL ~ JL'i9li f3, Lg6(> <br />!Phe m:i.nutes of the special held on Mary 4i;h, the regu7.a:r mee~tin; <br />of 114ay and tkze special meetii:zg of iriay 16th were read and approved as pre:,•eni;ed< <br />'i'he 1~4ayo.r stated that he had received complaints about i;he cond:i.tion of', <br />So, Owasso Boulevax•d. <br />i7pon motion by Vita:Le, seconded b;y Loeffler, :it vans <br />t2LiSOLVL'D, `Phat the Village Road :iuporirxtendent be, and is hereby, instructed <br />to make repairs 'to the road by adding gravel and blad:ing. <br />Ayes •- 3 ]flays - 0 <br />'Phe i)1erk read the appl:icai;:ion of Glen Nelson, ?_'750 Dice Si;reet, for a <br />3.2 off-sa;l.e beer license. <br />Upon motion by hoef.fler9 seconded by Me:tancon, it was <br />12P]SOLVhD, `.l'.ha.t an off-sale 3.2 beer license be granted to Glen Nelson, <br />?IJO 1?J. C;C; atY'E;e t. <br />Ayes - 3 Iifays - 0 <br />Upon mo'ti.on by L,oeff].er, seconded by Melancon, i~i: vras <br />73I;SOLVIsJ), `that the fo:l.:low:ing applicationsfor 3.2 off-saao and on-sale <br />beer. license be, and. are hereby, authorized and grantedt <br />I3icha,rd. Jacobson - On and Off Sale <br />Leonard 73rausen - On and Off Sale <br /> l:nn - On and Of.'[' Sale <br />Gordon Nadeaax - On a,nd Off Sale <br />T'ranlc 13:rausen - On a,rtd Of.f Sale <br />13en Rosemark -Off Sale <br />Little Canadea Liquors, Inc. -Off Sale <br />9yes - 3 Nays - 0 <br />Upon znot:ion b;y Loeff].cr., seconded by NIelancon, i.t ivas <br />i3E:i0LVP:D, 't'hat Vouckxe:rs P'!o, 16y6 thru 7.%lE3 be paid as followso <br />:1696 L. '~'!. Pfe:lancon ....................<.......,.,..>....,., y 50.00 <br />169'] sir"". P. (=omen .......................»......,..,....,,.... 100<OO <br />16yB Carl Spooner...<..< ....................................> 32.90 <br />].6yg John ~Ihale .............................<.......,......> 32.90 <br />:1.•]00 lsd Lo ef£ter ...................................<......... 32,90 <br />_1_ <br />