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He~;ular lreet:inJ; -June 8, 1960. <br />7.'701 Richard .Boss ...................................................b 35.00 <br />1702 13amsey County Treasurer ....................................... 21.83 <br />1703 Car]. Bucher ................................................... 16.50 <br />1704. llQyers Frattalone .............................................. 104..27 <br />1'705 Prcderic)c 1?. Memmer ........................................... 90.00 <br />].706 `P. A. Schi.fsky &Sons ..................................>..,..< 28.50 <br />7.'707 L, G. Jesperson .............<...>..........,....,,........,... :100.25 <br />:1.'708 I,. G. Jespersen .................>.......................>..<.< 86.'7]. <br />1709 :Donald Gagne .................................................. 49.00 <br />:1.'71.0 h.tta.e Oarza.da Agency..,,.„ .................................... 3.93 <br />1'71.1 Northwestern 13e11 '1'e].ephone Oo ................................ 20.96 <br />17].2 Ramsey County Review ........................................>. 3.75 <br />].'71.3 Oscar I'. Lorulin....,..> ..............................<........ 33.00 <br />1'714 Vernon G. i;hristensen.........,.> .............<...,..,<....... :10.00 <br />1715 'I'. A. Sch:ifslcy & :ions, Inc .................................... 45,60 <br />7.`71.6 !I'. A. S<;hi.f'slcy & Sons, Tnc.,,..,...<.>,........< .............. 22.80 <br />7.'7:1.7 Little i;a.nada, Lzgency..... > .. , > ....... > ............... > ..... > .. ].5'7.9o- <br />1'718 St. Paul Dispatch .............>,.,..,....,...,.....,.......... 4=J3 <br />Ayes 3 <br />Nays •• 0 <br />At 8:00 :I?.ivl. the Nlayor announced that the hearing :fo:r 'the i.nstallatioxz <br />of sanitary sewer :irz the area, o.f L:itt:Le Canada bounded by Higkzway 36, Pdgerbon <br />Strc:ot, Cowzty 73oad B and i19e1~4cnemy Street was open and that a].] persons both for <br />and aga,:inst said proposal wou7.d be heard. <br />i41x•, Oscar Londin, res:i.dent a,t the corner o5• County Road. 73 a.nd. lvlclv1enemy <br />St;:ceeb, reported i;ha't he was against the construction o.f this sevre:r because o£ the <br /> cost of consi;ructing the sa:i_d i.ns'ballation and. that a good many people ha.d <br />to:1d. him i;hey would probably ha.vP to se:Ll. oub because -they oou].d no'C i.t. <br />Mr, John. Ge.ron.omi, a rosi.dent; o£ the area, stated 'that he concurred <br />P6r. Londin. <br />Mr. Licart, 425 Laurie R<>ad, stated tha~b he 1'avo:red annexing the area to <br />'.apaevrood since the cosh of i;he sevre:r as part of Little Canaria wou:Ld. be too <br />h:Lgh. <br />Pfr. J'oe Oman a.nd ,Mr. Yaua. 'Pojar. boi;h opposed. the installab:ion o£ a sewer <br />system a,t 'Lhis <br />PJfr. Benson. of 430' 3:rd. Avenue and Mr. Stanley Clausen o£ Arkwright Street <br />both spoke i.n favor' of instalLi.n~s the sevrer. <br />P'ir, A]. Asperson, ro-.aid.ent of 3r. d. Avenue, opposed the :installat:ion of the <br />sewex•. <br />Pkr. Johnson of Hendry Place indicated that he was in favor o£ annexing to <br />il4aplewood so that they could get sevrers cheaper. <br />114.r. L:i.cart again asked the Counc:i.7. what the cost of sewers would be i.f the <br />area annexed to 1~4aplewood in comparison as i;o what i;he cost would be at some Suture <br />_2_. <br />