Regula,.r. Me~ti.n~- June B~ 19Fi0.
<br />date. lle was advised by the V:il.:i.age A.'Ctorney that since 'the Lines in Ivlap:Levaood
<br />adequate Eo hand.7.e the sewage from 1;h:is area, the onJ.y thing affecting cost vrouad be
<br />the; in cost o.f Labor and material as time went on.
<br />12r, L;d. ICishel, oonsulting• engineer, who had. made the survey and developed
<br />the cost f:i.gures exp].a:ined the pro{;.ram, eonsiderab].c detail about cost,
<br />ma.teriaJ s, etc.
<br />1v":r., 13e11. of 22:1£J Desoto Street asked. S.f there could be a special. e],ec~ti.on
<br />to de{; the question of sewer :i.n staJ.].ab:ion, `l'he 'Vila.age Attorney erpJ.ained that
<br />the laws do not require a,n election for a, sewer .irrs{;a].a.ation and that a meeting of
<br />this kind or more than one meeting, pa.rti.cul.a.r.:1y with a, smaJ.:1 area, 9.nvolvefl, couldc
<br />reveal more accuratea.y the public sentiment. Ile also pointed out i;ha,t the question.
<br />o.f a.nnexation could be determ5.ned by election a.nd eroul.d undoubt;edl.;y have bo be, under
<br />the statutes ae they now< lie also started. both Vi.tla~;e Councils would. take
<br />no a.cta.on e:xcep{; on the basis of the clear popuaar demand,
<br />Piirs. Bauers of ; Drive indicated that she thought th:i.s matter should
<br />be laid over for awh:i.le and then considered again,
<br />The i;ounciJ. finally asked if al J. person> :i.n favor of sevrers would stand.
<br />and -Chen, af{;e:r these people were seated, they asked. those opposed to starrd. `1'he
<br />reaction of the people pre>ent vras overwhel.m:ing:ly opposed. to the :insta:L:la.tion o£
<br />sanitary sewer by Little Canada at i;hi.s time, l~rir. Yvlenuner :indicated that he would
<br />prepare a summary o.£ what steps are nec;essar;y for annexation and. make this avaa.:l.a:ble
<br />to the :resi.dents o.f.' thc~ area, .n. the near fu'bu:re.
<br />Upon motion by IV;elancon, seconded by V:itexlo9 :it was
<br />R1sSOLVE;D, [l!ha{; the matter. of bhe in.>ta.llation oi' ;.,ewers :in the area of.'
<br />I:,i.ttle Canada south of I~:i.,;hway 36 betvreen Pdrer{;on and iv:eMenemy be tabled- inde.finitel.y.
<br />I~,yer, - 3 Nays - 0
<br />Iufr. Joseph Ikacker, 27f3C F]dgerton, asked. thr:L'b some effort be made to appre-
<br />hend speeders on 13dgerton Street. !i'he 1~9ayor sba.bec] tkrat he would i.nunediatel;y notify
<br />the .^,heri.ff's office, erho are now• the V:i.J.lage, bo make a spec:ia,l'fort
<br />to apprehend :speeders on Pd,:;erl;on Street, pa.rti.cula:rly :i.n the evening hours>
<br />TYr> 13en Rosemark of Sono Zane said that there is a sl.ougkr behind h:is home
<br />9.nto vrhich some residents to the soui;h of his property are apparently sewage
<br />enf].owment. IIe stated that the contractor is presently buiJ.din~;• more houses on
<br />Iona, bane aa2d that he would have surplus earth could be used to fi1]. i;hi.s
<br />saough. `1'he CounoiJ. approved the proposal arrd :insCruoted 14ir. Roserna:rk that if botki
<br />he and i;he man on tivhose property this saough i_s located. approved the p1a,n to use
<br />the contractors surplus earth, the Council kraal no objection.
<br />n7r, Rirharil. Ilofi'man, 35j Rose 7:,ane, stated that he is plann.i.n.g to purchase
<br />a piece of property immediately west o.f his homct which is f]5 feet i.n front by 200 feet
<br />deep and he vranted 'to knovr if i.t would be okay to build on this property, before he
<br />actually purchased. i.t.
<br />Upon. motion by Vitale, seconded by, i.t was
<br />RP;SOLVI~D, 'T'hat the J3uilding Inspector be, and is hereby, authorized. to
<br />_3_
<br />