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{_.:: <br />SPliCIAY, it~ET:Ii~1G OF '1'lli; LI'I"P:Lli CA?VAZ)A VTLliAC=li COUNCIL - :UECF,;12S'L+"1? 9, 1960 <br />`1'he meeting vras called to ordex by ll4ayor ivlelancon at '%:3O P.lvt. Present <br />vrere: Mayor ]t4elancon, Walter Coenen, John. Vitale, Carl Spooner and Ld Loeffler. <br />A].so present were: Louis Jesperson, Richard Boss, Fred 4emmer anal Oscar hondin. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting .for tiovember were read and approved. <br />First order. of business was consideration of rezoning of that part of <br />the IVOrthwest ~,uarter of the ISorbhwest ~,uarter (SJltrs of 1VV~a:~ of Section 6 lying <br />east of the Soo Line Railway tracks. `t'his is the land which lies behind the <br />Preferred Sheet Prietal, Little Canada Lwriber Company, 1~Iorthern States Povrer and <br />the 3020 `Frailer Park. fPhe Clerk stated thatnoti.ces had been posted according <br />to provisions o£ the zoning Lavr and the hearing set fox• December 9th. I~'Ir. Hanson <br />of the Standard Oil Company presented pictures and explained the purpose and <br />function of the proposed pumping station vrhich his company will erect on property <br />adjacent to the pipeline which crosses the tract that is under consideration for <br />rezoning. I~lo one appeared in opposition to the rezoning. '1'he Council was ale;o <br />advised that the balance of this property is being purchased by James Nadeau and <br />Joe Murray, owners of P.refe.rred Sheet ieletal, who intend to build their new buildint; <br />on. this property. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Loeffler, it vras <br />}3L`.iOLVI:D, that 'the property described as that part of the N'vJg of the <br />i4`S'J4 of Section 6, T. ?_9, R. 22 lying east of the Soo Line Razi;Tway right-of-way <br />except the South :five (S.5) acres thex•eof be, and the same is hereby, rezoned <br />from farm residential to industrial arad, fux•ther, that the said rezoning is made <br />9.n the best interests of the Village. <br />Ayes - 5 hays - O <br />Upon motion by hoeffler, seconded 'by Vitale, it was <br />RI:SOLVLD, that the 73ui1ding Inspector be, anal is hereby, instructed to <br />issue the necessary building permits to the Standard Oil Company for construction <br />of its pumping station on the property east of and across the ra,il.vray tracks fran <br />the Nox•thern States Power substation at 3080 Rice Street. <br />Ayes - 5 14ays - 0 <br />1'he Village C:1erk reported the results o£ the Village election as follows <br />Walter Coenen - Clerk ............. 521 <br />Robert iltenge - '1'rustee ..............262 <br />Pl~yron Peterson - Trustee .......... r~.0 <br />John Vitale - `Trustee .............. 2f38 <br />Frederick J. Pfiemmer - J.P. ........ !}'J4 <br />1'7. Savard - Constable ............. 497. <br />