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R%GlILA73 1n~Lls!PIATG OI' VILLAGE COU?}CSL O1~ 1,IT'1'LE CANADA - llLCP~I~,4B1sR 14, 1960 <br />The meeting was called to order by PJlayor lvtelancon. at 7:30 P.M. Present <br />wore: h. Plielancon, ~"J. Coenen, L. Loc~:ffler, C. Spooner, J. Vitale. <br />Also pre>ent vrere: I~'. Ii4emmer, 0. Lond:in, R. :Boss, L. Jesperson, <br />'l'he minutes of the special meeting of December 9, 1960, were read and <br />approved. <br />}~7r. John, of 52 Little Canada Road, appeared before 'the Cormci.l and <br />expla:i.ned that since the spur. track was used £or delivery of water line <br />pipe was installed on Victor Cordon's property, bhe svritch on the main dine has <br />caused a great deal, o.f vibration and. rumbling vrheneve.r a train passes. <br />i)pon motion by S.poone:r, seconded by Loeffle.r., it was <br />RI3SOLVLD, that the attorney be, and. is hereby, instructed to vrrite a <br />letter. to the Soo Line i?a:ilway Company ai;tention 'Co this fact and requesting <br />that the svritch be removed. <br />Ayes - 5 Jays - 0 <br />'t'he matter. of bhe petition of Richa:rd.i3oss for vacation of a portion of <br />]3ryan Street, which vras scheduled for hearing, was called before the Council .for <br />consi.d.eraLtion by 4ayor l~tel.ancon anal i;he hearing was opened at f3:00 Y.NS. 7~4r. 3oss <br />appeared and e.xplai.ned why he wanted the partial vacation. ~'o persons made any <br />objection. <br />Upon motion. by Vitale, seconded by Spooner, it vras <br />R1~ISOLVE;ll, that such petition be granted and the street; above mentioned <br />9.s hereby vacated as a public street as fo:ll.ows: <br />Vacate a1:L that part of the Ilorthtiventy (IV.20) feet of <br />73xyan Street as platted betvreen Jackson. Streeb on the <br />east and the east ri?h.t-of-way line of :Boss Road, which <br />has not heretofore been vacated. <br />Ayes - 5 pays - 0 <br />t7pon motion by Loeffler, seconded by Spooner, it vras <br />RL:SOLVF3D, that Vouchers lv'os. :1.890 thru 1926 be paid as fo].lovrs:: <br />1.890 Ramsey County Review .............................~' 5.62 <br />1891 Ramsey County `treasurer ........................... 2'].9£3 <br />:189?_ State 1'reasure.r..... ............................... 29.00 <br />1893 State 'Preasurer ................................... 28.00 <br />1894 State `1'reasurer..... ............................... 19.30 <br />1.895 Ruth .Jionn...> ..................................... 13.00 <br />