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IviINUTES OF `TFTE SPECIAL NIEETIIdG <br />OF THE VILLAGE COUDICIL OF T'IIE <br />VILLAGE OF LITTLE CAIITADA <br />~ .~ ~. <br />The special of the C un it of tYze Village of Little Canada, eras <br />Yaeld at the Kittle Canada Fire iIall on ~~ January 27, 1961 at 7e30 p. m. The <br />fol:Lowing Council members vrere presents <br />Louis 1V. I~kelan.con, PJiayor; 1'Tal ber I'. Coer:en, Cleric; John <br />Vi bale, Trustee and Car). Spooner, Trustee. <br />Edward R. Loeffler, fL':rustee, was absent. <br />!~].so present, Frederick P. IJiemmer., Village Att;orney. <br />`The meeting was calaed 'to order by 1Viayor I'•4elancon at 7x30 p. m. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Vitale, i't vras <br />"RESOLV?~li~, tha'b the Ramsey County Review be and i.s <br />hereby designated as the official Legal Nevrspaper of the <br />Village for the coming year." <br />byes - q. Nays - 0 <br />`Phe resolution eras adopted. <br />Upon motion by Coenen, seconded by Vitale, it was <br />"i2ESOLVED, that George 'P. iamnxond be and is hereby <br />granted a renewal of the 3.2 on and off Bale malt beverage <br />licenses, cigarette LLcense, and amusement license." <br />byes - 4 ~ i`tays 0 0 <br />The resolution was adopted., <br />'i'he Clerk brought up the ma6ter.• of the propased cond.emnabion of the house <br />at 17 1"7. County Road C, owned by Nr. J. i'J. Phelps. The Cleric read the reeoimnendation <br />of the I3u:ild:ing :Inspec'to:r to the effect that this house is not fit for hwnan k <br />habitation and in. i.ts present condition shouldbe condenmed. Such recoimnendation. <br />further stated that the only cvay this house could continue to be used would. be to place <br />it on a permanent foun.d.ati.orx,have :i b completely :re-vrired, <x?Ad instala p:Lunibing in. <br />compliance 5r:i.ththe State Code. ^1he Clerk a:tso read a not:i.ce forwarded 'to the owner, <br />11Lr. Phelps, 'bo the effect 'that the hearing on~3mn condemnation as provided by the <br />13uild.irrg Code was set for Janua:ey 27, 1961 ai; 7s45 p.m. Per. Phelps made no appearance. <br />i~o obher pe:e•sons appeared si.ther :fo:c ar aga:insb L-he con.demnat:ion. <br />Upon rnot:Lon by Vitale, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"11:BSOLVI;D, that pursuant to recommenda:t_on of the <br />13ui1ding• Inspector, grid pursuant 'to notice having been duly <br />g:i.ven in accordance vrith the provi.s:i.ons o.£ the <br />Code of the Village of Little Canada, and no appearance having <br />berm made b5> J. 'vV. Phelps, 'the own.e:r, i.t is hereby ordered <br />that notice be forwarded. to A4:r. Phelps that the building, <br />being a. house, located at 1.7 t'd. County Road C, be and <br />