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03-08-61 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-08-61 Council Minutes
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ll4INCJTA]S ppOIrr' 'lill~ R~pGrU~7L~AR tlii~l;TIp\TG <br />OF 'V1J;LLaU~'b~~LL~'i"PLrCill~h~ialllH'r' <br />'Phe regular meeting of the Council o£ the Village o.£ Little Oanada~ <br />eras held a,t i;he i,ittle Canada Fix•e Ball on Plednesday, leiax•ch p, 1961 at 7:30 P.P,4. <br />'She £o1:lowing Council Niemben°. vrere present: <br />'~`Talter F. Coenenp Clerlc; Carl Spoan.er9 licting 1'ayox; <br />John li4. Vita:ley and. Ldvrard Loe££:Ler, 'Trustees. <br />Louis ~+T. iJlelancon, lviayo:ry absent. <br />!also present erere Oscar F. Londin, :V3uilding lnspectox•' Frederick P. <br />n4emmery Village rlttor.•rrey9 l~ichard 1"3oss9 'Ts•easurer' i,ouis J'espersen~ V9.llage Road <br />Supervisor. <br />`Phe minutes o£ the regular rneeting o£ February 8, 1961 and. the special <br />meeting o£ 1'ebruary 22y 1961 vre:ce approved as read.. <br />i~'ir. L'rnest Lhnst.rom presented a petition signed by himsel£9 his vri£e <br />and several other neighbors requesting that ,l~ir•. b"aclclarn :remove all junk and debri <br />from his property. 'I'he petition was .received and the matter was referred to the <br />Police O££i.cia].s for. investigation. <br />i14r. Roy Nadeaus Cowzty Corrunissioner and resident o£ Little Can.ada.~ <br />stated that the County ]3oard has completed :its plans for establishing and opening the <br />bath:ulg beach at Lake Gerv.~is on the property acquired. E'rom the Costellos. lie <br />requested that the Com2cil'authorice the adoption o£ two ordinances to make sure that <br />nuisances and traffic hazar.~ds vrill not be created. llis first proposal vas that th.e <br />use o£ i14ob:i7. L"on:fect:ionaxy Vending vehicles by licensed :in the so bhat they <br />could be kept avray from the beach axrd the second, ordinance he requested '.vas that the <br />launching o.f boats be controlled. so that no pourer boats or. speed boai;s <br />would be a1.:lowed to be launched. at the sv!snrning beach. lal:r. :tda,d.eau ale>o called <br />attention to the er.:lsting Dog Control Ordinance and suggested that steps be taken to <br />pi.clt up stray dogs. Fie also :ind:icated that he, felt; that a great deeel c£ serious <br />study should be given to the matter of installing ;3an.itary Sevrers i.n the Village before <br />such a step evas taken. <br />Upon mot:i.on by Vitale9 seconded by I,oe££ler, it was <br />"kt13:i0L'VLD, 'that i;he Village (attorney be and is hereby <br />instructed to draw up an ordinance to license 1Jiobil <br />Con£ectionaxy Vendors and to prohibit such operations <br />in the area of the County 73a.thing beach on. Ldge.rton <br />Street." <br />!ryes - /1 Nays - 0 <br />The resolution vras adopted.. <br />Upon motion by Spooner' seconded by V:italey it wa,s <br />" i?LSOI.iVliD9 that the Village l:tto:rney vras directed. 'to <br />prepare an, ordinance prohibiting the lawzohing o£ boate <br />from the County Bathing Beach area on Lake Geryais. <br />
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